Daniel: My Consequence

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~9 Days Ago~

"Are you freaking kidding me, Daniel?!" I screamed at my boyfriend with tears running down my face.

"Babe, she kissed me! She came onto me!" Daniel tried to tell me.

"Who even knows if your lying, we're done Daniel!" I yelled and left his house.

About 30 minutes ago, I had been getting tagged in many posts from Daniel's fans. There was many photos and vidoes of Daniel and this girl named Alexis kissing in one of her friends stories. I immediately became angry and upset. Daniel and I had been dating for 2 years now.

Once I got home, I cried into my pillow.

~End Of Flashback~

I decided to sit down and write a song about how I'm feeling.

(A/N: The lyrics and rights all belong to the band 'Hey Violet'.)

I know we don't need anyone, anyone
(Here in the dark, I feel my heart)
And we react like chemicals, chemicals
(Here in the darkness, I feel my heart race)

Oh, when we lock eyes
Come with me, don't kill the vibe
Look around, no one's inside
Hold me down if I get too wild
I swear, you and I can disappear
We can run away from here
To the darkest places, it's too late no one can save us now

When you spill your guts they don't go back in
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
If I say too much it's my consequence
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
So take your razor love, and run it down my skin
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
If I bleed too much it's my consequence
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

Oh, your fingers locked in my hair
Our clothes all over the chair
We're all alone and I'm dancing in my underwear
You laugh and I blush and it hurts so much
You melt and I die
The world is ours, at least it is tonight

It's chemical, it's chemical

I was brought out of my trance by a phone call from one of my best friends, Tate, who also happens to be Jonah's girlfriend.

Me: Hey, what's up?

Tate: I just found out that you and Daniel broke up...

Me: Oh, yeah...

Tate: I just wanna let you know, that I was there that night with Jonah and Daniel when that chick came onto Daniel.

Me: Tell me, did he really cheat on me or did she really come onto him?

Tate: She fully came onto Daniel and kiss him. Trust me, after her friend recorded the video, he left her and left the party. She laughed after he disappeared and said how she couldn't wait for all the attention.

Me: Oh, god I should've listened to him!

Tate: He was a little tipsy that night too.

Me: Damn, Tate, I broke up with him! I should've heard him out and not have jumped to conclusions.

Tate: Well, he's still upset. He refuses to eat and come out of his bunk.

Me: I'll be there soon as possibly.

Tate: Okay, he'll be happy to see you.

Me: See you guys soon.

Tate: See ya soon, beautiful.

After I got off the phone with Tate, immediately pack a bag, ordered an uber and got dropped off at the airport. I bought the quickest ticket to Kansas City, Missouri. Once I arrived in Kansas City, I called Tate and she soon was there to pick me up and take me to where the boys will be performing for the night.

"They'll be done with their meet and greets within the next 20 minutes." Tate informed me.

We sat outside in the back where you could watch the show on a TV and just talked. 25 minutes passed and soon you could here the boys voices from not that far away.

Soon as the boys entered the space, they all stopped talking and looked at me. Let's just say you could feel the tension between Daniel and I.

"Let's give these two some space." Jack said leaving the space along with the others so it was just me and Daniel.

"Hi." I whispered to him.

"Hi." He whispered back not making any eye contact with me.

We just stood there in silence.

"I'm sorry for not hearing you out and assuming that you cheated on me." I told the blonde hair, blue eye man in front of me.

"It's okay, I didn't expect you too." Daniel said and I could see the tears starting to form in his crystal blue eyes.

"Tate called me and explained to me everything that happened that night. I believe her and you. I am so sorry for breaking your heart, I didn't mean too." I cried.

Daniel approached me and pulled me into a hug.

"It's okay, I had a feeling I shouldn't have gone to that party."

"Well, I'm the one who told you to go have fun before you left for tour."

"I know."

"I forgive you Daniel, I love you too much."

"I forgive you and I love you too." He smiled at me.

"Does that mean we're back together?" I asked.

"Yeah, we're back." And then we kissed.

"THEIR BACK TOGETHER!!" I heard Zach yell at the top of his lungs and then heard the Limelights screaming in the distance.

Daniel and I laughed and kissed again.

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