Jack: She's Go Gone

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Song: She's So Gone
By: Naomi Scott

The guys and I are at the last m&g for the US portion of our 8 Letters Tour, which is the Allentown, Pennsylvania show.

We meet hundreds of fans every show and it's honestly awesome to meet Limelights we haven't met before and see some familiar faces that come to a lot of our m&g's.

We are nearing the end of the m&g line. I look over to see who's next and I'm surprised by who I see. It was my old best friend from high school, Savannah.

She walks up and hugs Daniel, Corbyn, and then Jonah, before Zack took the group picture. She quickly hugged Zach and then turned and smiled at me.

"Hey, it's been awhile huh?" She said.

"Yeah, that's for sure. I'll tell Jon to let you back stage after the show." I told her.

"Cool." She said and left.

She's not the Savannah I remember from school. I remember her wearing all black; from her clothes, to her makeup. You basically could call her an emo girl, but she's the complete opposite now. She's wearing bright colors, leggings, and even let her natural hair color grow out.

-After The Show-

After the show was finished, Jon brought Savannah backstage, but she wasn't alone. She had an adorable 3 year old boy in her arms.

"Hey Savannah, how have you been?" I asked her.

"Good, you?"

"Awesome! Who's this cutie?" I asked motioning to the small boy.

"This is Cato, he's 2 1/2 years old....he's my son." She told me.


"Yeah. After you left for California, I fell pregnant and then 9 months later I gave birth to Cato." Savannah opened up to me.

"Who's the dad?"

"Do you remember Max?"

"Yeah, he's the dad?"


"Where you black clothes and hair?"

"Gone, I had to change my living styles, especially for becoming a mom."


"She's so gone, you won't find her around."

"Can I meet him?" I asked.

"Of course!"

"Cato, this is my old best friend Jack! Jack, this is my son Cato." She introduced us, but Cato buried his next into her neck.

"Sorry 'bout that, he's quite shy." She laughed at her sons actions.

"Hey, I remember you from the meet and greet!" Daniel said walking into the room.

"Daniel, meet my old best friend from high school, Savannah and her son Cato. Savannah and Cato, meet my best friend and bandmate, Daniel Seavey."

"Nice to actually get to meet you!" Savannah said.

"Nice to meet you too!!! He's literally so freaking cute!!" Daniel gushed over Cato.

"He really is, isn't he?" She smiled.

"It's finally nice to see you, after 3 years of not seeing each other. How's the family?"

"Good, Abbey started high school and Abraham graduates this year! It's crazy to think about! How's your family?"

"Awesome, they're all doing good!"

"I miss them all so much!" She frowned.

"They miss you too!" I smiled at her.

We talked for another 2 1/2 hours until Cato was getting fussy and she decided to head home. We exchanged our new numbers and now text every day to stay in touch!

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