Christopher: Flowers

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Christopher's POV

The guys and I just finished recording our newest single, 'Pretend'.

"Adios, amigos!!" I told the others before leaving the studio and drove to the store to pick up flowers and soup since she's home alone all sick.

I paid for the items and then went outside to my car, then it started to downpour. I quickly got into my car and drove to Brittany's house. I parked my car and went inside her house and up to her bedroom where I knew she was lying in bed. I cracked the door open to see her sitting in bed watching TV with tissues surrounding her.

"Hola, bebe!" I greeted Brittany.

"Chris, why are you here?" She looked at me.

Her nose was all red and you could tell she was tired, but she still looks beautiful.

"I'm here to help take care of you, hermosa."

"I don't wanna get you sick." She whined.

"You won't, we finally finished our newest song today anyways." I smiled at her and climbed into her bed and sat next to her.

"I bought you some soap y flores!" I gave her the soup and the flowers.

"Gracias, Christopher, te amo mucho." She smiled her gorgeous smile at me.

"De nada, I bought you some flowers in the pouring rain. Do you like them?"

"Me encanta, they're very hermosa, babe." She said smelling them.

I spent the rest of the day at Brittany's house trying to help her feel better.

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