Sam: Would You Like That

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                             is the day I'm getying married to the love of my life. We've been together for about 5 years now and today is the day we become Mr & Mrs Jenkins.

"You ready to become Mrs Jenkins today sis?" My sister asked me as she applied the finishing touches of my makeup and hair.

"Yes, I'm so nervous and excited though!" I smiled so much that my cheeks hurt.

"I can't believe my baby girl getting married! Time flew by way too fast!" My mom exclaimed.

Skip to the Vows (bcuz I'm too lazy😂)

"Mr Jenkins, please say your vows." The priest told the gorgeous man standing in front of me.

"So, for my vows, I actually wrote a song for my beautiful soon-to-be- wife." Sam said and grabbed the guitar that Bloom handed him.

He began to strum beautiful chords and sing the song.
(A/N: All rights and lyrics go to Dalton Rapattoni!!)

I'd bleed out all of my blood
From every vein in my body
Until I was an empty balloon

If your tears had cried a flood
I'd bear my bones and a hammer
So you can make a canoe

Cause oh baby I would sink for you
Oh baby would you like that
Oh I'd do anything for you
Oh no baby would you like that

I'd pull out all my teeth
Arrange them into a crescent
If you needed a smile

And this flame that burns in me
I'd tear it out of my chest and I'd hold it
If you asked for a fire

Cause oh baby I would burn for you
Oh baby would you like that
Oh I'd do anything for you
Oh no baby would you like that

If your precious heart gave out
I'd be there and willing
To give mine up

Cause I live with not one doubt
You are why it's beating
You can't tell me that's not love

No No No

Cause oh baby I would die for you
Oh baby would you like that
Oh I'd do anything for you
Oh no baby would you like that

By the time Sam was done singing the song, I was crying.

"That was beautiful Sam!" I smiled at him.

"Now yours Ms. Gills." He said.

"Well, I definitely cannot top that performance, that was magnificent. So, Samuel Douglas Jenkins, you've helped me through so much and I love and appreciate you so much. You've been my light at the end of the tunnel for the past 6 years and I do not regret any of those days or any of that time we spent together. You're truly an amazing talented guy and I wouldn't want to trade the world to be with someone else. You're the only person I wanna spend the rest of my life with.

"I also have good news that I found out about 3 days ago and I've been waiting for this moment to announce it. So, I've haven't physically been feeling the best lately so I went to the doctors about 3 days ago and received some amazing news and that news is.......I'm 3 1/2 months pregnant!" I exclaimed.

Sam started to smile and tear us and everyone around us cheered.

"I pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!" And with that we are officially Mr. & Mrs. Jenkins!❤

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