Edwin: Polygraph Eyes

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Based off the song 'Polygraph Eyes' by Yungblud

"Candy, you ready to go?!" My best friend, Lila asked me from my bedroom door entrance.

"Just about..." I told her as I strapped on my black choker necklace.

"Alrighty, let's go then!" She said grabbing my arm and pulling me out of our apartment.

We both walked to the closest liquor store and bought a bottle of cheap wine to drink before we headed to the club. We went back to our apartment and started to drink the wine and get tipsy.

"Oooo, we probably should head over to the club!" Lila slightly slurred.

"Let's go then!" I said and this time I pulled her out of the apartment and over to the club.

We waited in line and then showed the bouncer our ID's and he let us. We immediately headed over to the bar and bought some shots and downed them. Slowly, we were becoming more and more wasted...me mostly.

"Hey, they guy keeps checking you out over there..." Lila whispered in my ears while looking behind me, so I took a close glance to see who the stranger was.

Lila was right, he was checking me out and it made me uncomfortable, so I went back to the bar to buy another drink with Lila. As we were buying our next drinks, the stranger followed us and asked me if he could by me a drink, I politely declined. I have a boyfriend named Zach and I love him very much and never would cheat on him.

Lila and I went back to dancing, but at some point during the night, Lila vanished, so the mysterious stranger came up to me and asked me to dance. I frantically looked around to see if I could find Lila, but he grabbed my face to look back at him. In fear of what would happen next if I declined again, I accepted his offer. He bought me more drinks and we danced and soon as I know it, I am completely wasted. I couldn't even walk.

Later on, he pulled me out of the club and lead me away down the sidewalk. He was about to wave out a cab until some other strange guy with purple hair came up to us.

"Oh my God, Tessa?! I've been worried sick about you! You didn't tell me you were going out tonight! Don't ever do that to me again my love! Thank so much bro for looking out for her!" The purple headed guy told the other stranger from the club.

"Oh, you know each other?" He asked.

"Of course, she's my girlfriend of 2 years!" He exclaimed.

"Oh..." He frowned.

"Yeah so, leave it alone mate, she doesn't wanna go home with ya! Come on honey, let's get you home and get you a glass of water to sober up!" He told me taking me away from the club guy.

"Thanks again man!" He said as he walke me away.

Once we were away from the guy, I thank the purple.

"You're welcome, I'm Edwin by the way." He introduced himself.

"I'm Candice, by call me Candy." I weakly smiled at him.

"Do you mind if I bring you back to mine? Just to help you sober up a bit?" He politely asked me.

"Sure, let's go." I quietly stated.

He helped me get into his car and he started to drive. I got lost in my thoughts. 'What if he wasn't there to help me escape?' I asked myself.
Soon I fell asleep.

Edwin's POV

Once I arrived at the Prettymuch house, I looked over to see Candy passed out in the passanger seat. I got out of the car, went over to her side, picked he up and carried her into the house. All the other guys were laughing and shouting, but soon ad I walked in with Candy in my arms, they shut up.

"Who's she?" Brandon asked confused.

"Her name is Candice, Candy for short. I saved her from some guy outside the club, he was gonna take her home to his and problem do something bad to her. She was pretty drunk, so she's gonna have a massive hangover tomorrow." I explained.

"You're a good guy Edwin." Austin smiled at me.

I brought her to my room, laid her on my bed and grabbed two Aspirins and a glass of water for her to take when she wakes up. After that, I went downstairs to the guys. As they played video games, I thought of how beautiful she is...

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