Dawson: Monaco

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"Mommy, how did you and daddy meet?!" My youngest daughter, Addi, asked me and my husband.

"Well, it all started at one of daddy's bands concerts." I stated.

*flashback 8 years ago*

"Are you ready to meet the boys?!" My best friend Ashley asked me.

"Um, hell yeah I am!" I exclaimed.

We were about to meet our favorite band, On The Outside in about 10 minutes.

"I can't wait to hug my future husband!" Ashley fangirled over Jon.

"He has a girlfriend." I stated.

"I know!" She shrugged and we laughed.

It was finally time for us to meet the boys and Ash went first. Let me tell ya, she was fangirling so hard while hugging Jon.

And now it's my turn to finally meet the guys, my favorite member is definitely Dawson. He smile is precious, his curly hair is adorable and he's just an amazing guy in general. As I was walking up to hug them....I tripped on my untied shoelaces and fell to the ground.

"Oh my God, are you okay?!" I heard the boys rush over to me and I started to laugh and blush.

"Yeah, I'm just really clumsy." I laughed.

"Here, let me help you up." I heard Dawson say and held out his hand to me.

"Let me tie my shoelaces first." I laughed again.

After I tied my shoelaces, I grabbed onto Dawson's hand and he helped me back up onto my own two feet. "Thank you." I smiled at him.

"You're welcome beautiful." He smiled that heart stopping smile at me, and I died, metaphorically.

"What's your Insta @?" He asked.

"Which one, personal or fan account?"

"Either is fine."

"My fan account is @ontheoutsides." I stated.

"Wait, really?! No way!" He exclaimed.


"I actually follow your account. Your edits are awesome!" He complimented me.

"Aw, thank you."

"I'll DM ya later then." He winked at me.

"I'll be waiting." I winked back.

"I trust the rivers lead me to your heart." He told me as I left the meet and greet.

~End of flashback~

"Aw, I love you mommy and daddy." Addi smiled her smile at us.

"We love you too pumpkin." Dawson kissed her forehead.

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