Zach: Uncover

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I can't wait for the concert tonight!

I can't wait for it either, I also can't wait to see you baby girl. The boys can't wait either.

Nobody see, nobody knows still right? About us?

Not that I know of


.....the boys keep asking me if we're together, but I tell them "no"

We probably tell them soon...

How about tonight either before or after the show


I gtg, we have sound check right now. Ttyl, I love you so much, baby

Love you too, Zach!😝😍❤

Zach and I have been dating for about 5 months now, and nobody knows about us. I guess we're telling the guys tonight though.

Before the show

"Hey guys!!" I greeted the boys.

"Hey Val!" Corbyn said hugging me.

"How have you been?" Jonah asked me as we hugged.

"Pretty good!"

"Hey V, I missed you!" Daniel said.

"I missed you too bestie."

"Hey noodles jr." Jack hugged me.

"Hey noodles sr." I laughed.

"Hey Valerie." Zach hugged me.

"Sup Zachary?"

"Nothing much." He smiled at me and I smiled back and I already saw the boys caught on.

"Are you guys sure you aren't dating?" Jonah asked eyeing us.

"I guess it's time to uncover." I looked at my brown eyed boyfriend.

"Um....yeah, we're dating." Zach told them.

"I KNEW IT!" Corbyn shouted.

"How long have you two been together?" Jack asked.

"5 months." I told them and blushed.

"5 MONTHS?!" They all yelled.


"Wow, you guys did a good job, for the most part hiding your relationship." Daniel says.

"Yeah, I guess we did." I looked at Zach.

"When are you guys gonna go public?" Jonah asked.

"Probably not for awhile. The Limelights go hard sometimes. I'd rather keep Val safe." Zach told the other 4 boys.

"Where's my brother?" I asked the boys.

"He's about to go onstage." Daniel said.

"I have to go wish him luck!" I said and went to find my brother.

"Hey bro! Good luck out there tonight!" I hugged my brother from behind.

"Val?! What are you doing here?" He asked me with suprise and hugged me.

"I'm here to see the show, silly." I smiled at him.

"Well, enjoy the show, Val. I have to go on now." He smiled at me and went onstage and performed his set.

After Eben finished his set, it was time for the boys to go onstage.

"Good luck, babe. Have lots of fun!" I kissed Zach's cheek.

"Wait, are you two together?" Eben asked in confusion.

"Yeah, we've been together for 5 months now." I admitted to him.

"You break my sisters heart, I break you Herron." Eben told Zach right before he went on the stage with the other guys.

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