Corbyn: Invincible

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Song: Invincible ft. Ester Dean
By: Machine Gun Kelly

I ran upstairs into my bedroom and slammed the door shut behind and locking it as well. Luckily for me no one is home at the moment, so I can scream and cry as much as I want! Both my parents we're at work and my brother Jordan and my sister Ashley are out with friends and my oldest brother Corbyn is on tour with is band.

I'm being bullied at school and all their words are hurting me so much. The bullies call me not good enough, ugly, and other hurtful things that break and lower my self-esteem. Corbyn and I used to be super close, but that was before he joined the band. I miss him everyday...

I put my face down into my pillows and started to sob because of how much I am hurting inside. I decided that it would be best to try and call my brother.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Corbyn's phone number. After 3 rings, the call was answered.

"Hello?" I recognized Jonah's voice.

"Hey Jonah, it's Hayley, is Corbyn around? I really need to talk to him." I tried my best not to cry.

"Yeah, I'll get him for ya." Jonah told me.

"Corbyn? Where are ya?" Jonah called out.

"Changing!" I heard my brother respond.

"Hayley's on the phone and is requesting you." Jonah informed Corbyn.

"I'll be right out in a minute!" He said.


About 30 seconds later I heard Corbyn.

C: Hey Hayley! What's up?

Me: It's still happening.

C: What, the bullying?

Me: Yeah...

C: Oh Hayley, it'll be okay. You can't let them get to you, you have to ignore them!

Me: It's hard to, Corbyn. It's hard to ignore them when they call me fat, ugly, useless, cra-

C: Hayley!

Me: Sorry...

C: Like I said, just ignore them. They only bully you because they're jealous of the thing you have that they don't. Apparently they don't have anything better to do with their lives, huh?

Me: I guess.

C: You're beautiful, talented, sweet and so many more things and the guys can agree with me on that.

Me: I hear voices in the air, I hear it loud and clear, telling me to listen. Whispers in my ear, nothing can compare and I just wanna listen. Telling me I am invincible.

C: You are invincible, Hayley. Keep you're head up high girly! I'll be soon before you I know it.

Me: I love you Bean!

C: Love you too hayhay!

Me: Bye Corbyn.

C: Bye Hayley.

God, I absolutely love my brother. He's the best!

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