Conor: Love Me Again

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Song: Love Me Again
By: Big Time Rush

(Conor will be 17-18 yrs old in this. Also based off of Once Upon A Time)

I opened my eyes to see that I'm laying on a sunny sandy beach where the waves crashing lightly against the shore. The water creeped up upon the tan sand on the ground soaking me from knees down. I sat up and used my hand to block out the sun from my eyes and looked around to my surroundings. I was on an island, an island where there was no other island in sight.

I frowned and managed to stand up, brush the sand off of my clothes and look to see what was behind me. I was greeted by green trees and plants, but behind the shrubs, I saw a dirt path leading somewhere. I decided to walk that path to see if it takes me anywhere. As I made my was down the dirt road, my shoes squished and squeaked from that water that now inhabited the material, which made my feet all wrinkly and itchy.

The deeper I got into the forest, the darker it became. Nature took over and all the plants and trees seemed to look overgrown. Everything was silent and still. I started to feel uneasy and slowed down my walking pace. In the distance, I heard yelling and screaming, so I stopped walking out of fear and tried to make out what was being said.

"Go find the new lost boy and bring him back to me!!" A strong British voice commanded and the yelling and screaming drew closer to where I am.

I quickly climbed a tree and tried to hide on one of the branches. The yelling was closer to me and I looked down to see young boys running with weapons, some had spears, others had bow and arrows. The boys continued to run away from where I was, towards the beach and I sighed in relief, but soon as I did that, I heard a voice from behind me.

"Who are you?" The voice asked me and I jumped, startled.

I held onto the tree so I wouldn't fall off and break a bone. Slowly, I turned to my head to see who was behind me. To my surprise and terror, there was a young boy, maybe 17 or 18 years old who had dirty brown hair and green eyes that stared into my blue eyes. He was wearing dirty green and brown clothes and was flying in the air.

"What the hell?!" I exclaimed.

"Who are you? Do not make me ask you again, girl!" He commanded.

"I'm Sherry." I told him.

"Why are you here on my island? How did you get here? I don't accept girls, only boys." He said angered.

"I-I don't know how I got here!" I said truthfully.

"Right, I don't believe you." He stared me down and I shrunk back in fear.

"Who are you and where am I?" I asked the guys.

"Did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Pan, Peter Pan and you're on Neverland." He smiled and spread his arms out to his island.

"W-what? Neverland? You're Peter Pan?!" I said afraid, my father told me all about the demon.

"Yes, that's correct. Now, Sherry, I'm not going to ask you a seconds time, why are you here on my island?!" Pan said madly.

"I'm looking for someone!" I yelled and closed my eyes.

"Who?" He squinted at me.

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