Jon: Showing You Off

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Song: Showing You Off
By: Jake Miller

"Babe come on!! It's time to go to Disneyland!" Jon shouted out to.

"I'm coming Jon!" I shouted back as I put on my shoes. "I'm ready!"

"Let's go then!!!" He said running to the car and I laughed.

I locked the door and then got into the car and Jon drove us to Disneyland. As we arrived at Disneyland, we paid for our tickets, and started to go on some rides. Our hands never came apart for most of the day.

As we were walking to the next ride, Jon kissed me out of nowhere.

"What was that for?" I smiled at him.

"Some other guy was staring at you." He shrugged off.

"You're the only that I have my eyes on." I told him.

"I know, I also I love showing you off." He smirked down at me and pushed his shoulder abs laughed.

"Thank you for bringing me here today."

"You deserve it all, babe." He said kissing my cheek as we bordered the next ride.

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