Chapter 45

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New, and a bit alarming.

Finn came bursting through my door and into my office.

"I'm so sorry," he said, "I had no idea."

I sighed, and closed my laptop shut. I had read the article that had been posted earlier, and I didn't know what to think. I assumed Finn had seen it as well.

"I already kicked Sarah out of my house, and made her put out an apology on twitter," he explained, "is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

I shook my head silently. I wasn't mad, I was just disappointed in the fact that I tried to patch things up with Aidan again and it went awry. It started to feel as if this whole thing was never a good idea.

"No," I mumbled, "It's fine. The damage had been done."

"Are you sure?"


I already knew I would be getting hate comments on my social media, so I didn't bother to look at it. No point, you know? I glanced over at the small clock on my desk and bit my lip.

5:56 pm

Aidan would be arriving any moment now, and I had no clue if he knew what had just surfaced around online. I'm sure he did, and now I'm not even positive he'll show up.

Maybe I was too quick to judge.

"Ms. L/N," Sam said, peeking his head into the doorway, "Someone says he's here to pick you up."

"Thanks, I'll take it from here."

I waited till Sam left the room before turning back to Finn. He was aware of our 'date', and I could tell he was thinking about the same things I was.

"Are you going to go?" he asked quietly.

"I don't know."

"I think you should, but it's your choice."

"Why do you think I should?"

He took a deep breath and started to pick at his nails, "I feel like you'll regret it."

"Really?" I said, unamused.

"Yeah. I do. I've noticed you've started to accept the fact that Aidan has changed, and I think that if you throw it away now, you'll wish you didn't in the future. This is one of those once in a life time things."

"Fine. but if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out."

I stood up from my chair, and shoved my devices into my backpack. Slinging it around my shoulders, and nodded to Finn and headed towards the front desk.

Aidan was there waiting for me.


"You saw the article, didn't you?"

Aidan had his left hand gripped to the steering wheel, as we drove down the expressway. I had no clue where we were going, but I didn't bother to ask the question.

I suppose my silence gave away the fact that I had seen the horrid piece of writing.

"I'm really sorry," he said softly, "I shouldn't have dragged you into this."

For the first time in a while, I didn't question him. The way he spoke to me was real, and I could tell he really was sorry.

"It's okay," I mumbled, "It's not your fault."

"But I was the one who forced my way back into your life," he said, "I know you don't want anything to do with me, but I just-"

"You just, what?"

He sighed, his eyes not moving from the road in front of him. Every now and then, I'd catch him glance at my reflection in the dashboard mirror, but I didn't find myself bothered by it.

"I wasn't happy," he mumbled, "these past five years were the worst thing I had ever gone through."


"I found myself regretting saying those words, and I couldn't sleep at night thinking that if I ran after you," he confessed, "maybe I'd still have you back."

"Maybe. I wish you did."

"I guess you already know about the other thing, too."

"Which other thing?"

"The dms with finn? The thing I may have said?"

"Oh. yeah, I know."

I bit my lip and kept looking out the window at the passing trees. I still had no idea where we are going, but my heart started beating faster in anticipation.

"Are we almost there?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm literally praying you like this."

"Kind of like a last chance thing," I said, laughing softly, "I'm nervous now."

"Why would you be nervous?"

"Because this is a once in a lifetime moment," I said, thinking back to what Finn said, "we only have one chance to get this right."

"It doesn't have to be one chance."

"But if it doesn't work out, I think it's better if we don't push it farther. I'm not keen on dealing with disappointment and angry fans."

"I'm second guessing my date choice now."

"Too late," I said, "but I'm sure it will live up to my expectations.

I glanced over at him, and saw him staring at the road. A small smile was curled up on his lips, and he seemed to be happy.

So was I.

big news coming soon :)

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