Chapter 42

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Love of my life.

"I'm still disappointed that you didn't win that giraffe," Finn said, "I can imagine hugging it right now."

"Well the giraffe was supposed to be for me," I complained, "you wouldn't get ownership of it."

"But neither do you, since you suck at aiming."

"Go back to work before I kick you," I threatened, stalking off towards my office.

It wasn't a very big room, but I made it work. There was a small window in the back of the space, and I stacked little pots of cacti on the ledge. The view wasn't the greatest; it was primarily a buck of studio complexes smushed together.

I shuffled my way to my mahogany desk and plopped down in my seat. Propping open my laptop, I began to write some emails to the board about today's run through.

"Hey, are you busy?"

I looked up from my computer to see Sam at my door. He was wearing his black leather satchel, and his staff member ID on his neck.

"A little, but come in," I said.

I guestered for him to sit down at the seat across from me, and he nodded politely. Finishing the rest of the email I had recently started, I shut the laptop closed and looked back at the assistant.

"Whats up?" I asked, "Is Finn causing trouble again?"

"Not exactly," he said sheepishly, "but I just had to ask you a question."

"Go ahead."

"Are you two dating?"


"I mean, I totally understand," he said, rubbing the back of his head, "you two seem like a good couple."

"We aren-"

"All you guys do is talk and hang out, and Mr. Wolfhard rarely needs me because of it! I just don't want to get fired. Am I getting fired? Omg-"

"SAM!" I exclaimed, clasping my hands together tightly, "Finn and I are in no way together. And no, you aren't getting fired."

"Oh. that makes sense. I was a little worried that you were cheating on him too. Glad you aren't though."

I sat upright in my chair, alarmed. Being accused of dating one of my close friends was strange already, but being called a cheater? Not even close.

"Excuse me?" I said, my voice lower.

Not only was that accusation confusing, it was rude. Never in my life did I ever want to associate myself with such a horrible thought, because cheating is a terrible thing to do. In most cases.

"I didn't mean it like that," Sam explained, "I just noticed that you were getting deliveries from some other guy, and there was one waiting for you outside. Sorry I jumped to conclusions."

"It's okay."

"Phew, thanks."

"Wait, did you say there was a guy waiting for me outside?"

"Yeah. he was here an hour ago, but you were with Finn at Six Flags. He left something at the front desk though."

"Thanks, I'll be right back!"

I scrambled out of my chair and ran down the hallway to the front desk. Once I reached the studio it was in, I almost doubled back in shock.

"Is that-" I stuttered, "for me?"

A giant plush giraffe was sitting on the counter, and I immediately recognized it as the one I had desperately tried to win. I ran over to it and picked it up, squeezing it against my chest in a mix of happiness and nervousness.

"It was left with this note," the clerk said, pushing something towards me.

It was a note similar to the one I had received in my lunch delivery. I set down my giant giraffe and read it.

Finn said you wanted this

Meet me tmrw?



I glanced down at the stuffed animal, that was staring at me with it's beady eyes. I sighed and picked it back up.

Maybe I will dm him, maybe I won't. 

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