Chapter 7

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Lately I've been on a roller coaster.

My fingers tapped the side of my phone case, as I scrolled through Buzzfeed quizzes. I was standing outside of Aidan's trailer, waiting for him to change out of his costume so we can head back to the hotel.

As I recently found out, Aidan was staying in the room a couple doors down from mine, which to our excitement mean 'movie night, every night'.

"Ready to go?" He said, bouncing out of the trailer.

He was wearing a blue button down shirt, and skinny jeans. Surprisingly the jeans looked good on him, because let me tell you, some people can't wear the, fashionably.

"Yup," I said, adjusting my backpack straps, "I'm ready."

As we walked off of the filming lot, I waved goodbye to the security officer, who smiled in return. My face was still buried deep in my phone, unable to find a quiz I liked.

"I feel like we should get to know each other better," Aidan said, "movie buddies should be buddies beyond movies."

"Good idea. What's your favorite color?"

"Dark green, like my eyes!"

He widened his eyes, and pointed to them, as if to say 'look, they're green'! I laughed, agreeing with him.

"What's your favorite animal," I asked him, "mines a (F/A)."

"A dolphin, for sure,"

I raised an eyebrow in interest, but kept my eyes on my phone. I had just found a quiz I liked, and it also had to do with our conversation.

What's Your Spirit Animal?

I tapped on it, and started answering the questions as quickly as I could.

"Really?" I asked, "why do you like dolphins so much?"

"Because one, they're incredibly smart, and two, they're really beautiful."

"I see."

At this point, Aidan was wondering why I was so deep into my screen, so he leaned over and started to watch me answer the questions. This made us walk at a slower pace, but I didn't really mind.

You're Spirit Animal Is:

A Dolphin

My mouth dropped open in amusement, and I heard Aidan's breath hitch. I clicked off my phone and shoved it into my pocket, walking at full speed again.

"What are the odds of that," I said, "I'm a dolphin."

"I can see that, actually," he said.

"So you think I'm smart?"

"Yeah, I do."

I laughed, and fiddled with my fingers. Aidan smiled at me, his dimples aligning his face.

"So you also think I'm beautiful, huh?" I said.

I was joking. I never really was one of the people who looked in the mirror and thought I was prettier than the day before. I didn't expect him to try and make me feel better, I just thought he'd laugh with me.

"Maybe," he mumbled, his cheeks red, "maybe I do?"

I couldn't hold back the smile on my face. I could tell he genuinely meant what he was saying, and that made me happier than anything. Did that mean he liked me? Gosh no, but at least it meant something.

"Thanks," I said, "that's sweet."

Once we got to the hotel, Aidan checked into his own room, while I went to mine. We were going to have movie night in his room, because it's larger and has the bigger TV.

I slung my backpack onto a chair, and shuffled through the complimentary baskets, until I found the popcorn. I was about to leave, when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

Did he really think I was beautiful?

I shrugged, and stalked down the hallway, counting the doors. Once I found his door, I tapped on it, and stared at the ground awkwardly. Is it just me, or do you pretend to be doing something when you're waiting for someone to answer the door?

"Hey, I just connected the TV," Aidan said, swinging open the door, "come on in."

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