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I Woke Up In a dark basement chained up to the wall. There were weapons everywhere and I was terrified. it seemed like a place out of those kidnapping movies. And I hope whatever happened in those movies doesn't happen to me, cause they usually don't end well.

Suddenly someone opened the door and light crept in. I squinted my eyes due to the burning sensation. the door shut with a thud and then a whole bunch of figures made there way towards me. I sunk back into the wall in fear. When they got closer I was able to identify them.

There were three girls including Annie and three boys including Johnny.

One girl had short light brown hair, and the other was a dirty blonde, she looked identical to Johnny. I then looked over at the guys and analyzed them.

One of them has jet black hair, while the other had frizzy light brown.

"Talk," Johnny said snapping me out of my daze.

"W-what?" I stutter.

"Tell me everything about Carson," he says harshly.

I whimper and he leans close to me, this time he was analyzing me.

"And I mean everything," he finishes his previous statement.

"W-what do y-you want t-to know," I say while exhaling a sharp breath.

"Where is his hideout?" Johnny Asks staring daggers into my soul.

"What will you do if I tell you?" I say with more confidence.

Johnny chuckled and looks at me again.

"Guess?" He folds his arms.

Oh boy I already know the answer to that, I don't even have to guess.

"Kill him?" I Say.

"Precisely," Johnny responds.

"Then I won't tell you," I say to him with confidence.

I was not about to give this guy what he wants. And I'm definitely not going to risk Carson's life.

"You have no choice!" He spits out.

"I don't care," I fire back.

He does the unexpected. He walked over to me and slaps me across the face leaving a red mark. The stinging sensation took over my cheek.

He grabs my face tightly.

"Tell me where it is," he says harshly.

"I w-will n-not t-tell," I whimper.

Then I see something sharp reflecting in the light. It was a knife, and a huge one to be exact. He pulls it out of his jacket like a magician.

He starts admiring the knife and brings it to my neck. The cold metal made contact with my neck, making me nervous. Sweat starts to drip down my forehead. He places it right against my neck, so if he went any deeper he'd cut me.

I gulp. He leans closer to my ear.

"Now spit it out, I'd hate to ruin that beautiful neck of yours," he whispers.

When I don't say anything he gets really mad.

"I SAID TELL ME YOU LITTLE B****!" He shouts.

I flinch. I was going to die today and there was no doubt about it.

He presses the knife deeper into my throat and blood oozes out. I scream in pain and he only smirks. As if torturing me had amused him. This guy is sick.

I see Annie in the corner with a really guilty look on her face. Why would she care? She got me into this!

"Do it or I'll kill you," Johnny grits his teeth.

"Your going to kill me anyways!" I Choke out.

"Smart girl," he chuckles. "But one way or another your going to tell me,".

He pushes the knife in deeper and I scream in pain again. Tears start Rolling down my cheek.

"Aww is the little b**** crying?" Johnny chuckles wiping my tears roughly.

I grit my teeth.

"One day Carson's going to kick your a**," I say angrily.

With that be punches me to the floor. I hit my head hard on the cement floor. I couldn't protect my head with my hands at all since they were chained up.

He left a purplish green bruise on my right eye.

"TELL ME NOW!!" Johnny shouts grabbing my throat.

I wince in pain. I couldn't do this anymore. I felt like someone dug a million knifes into every inch of my body.

"Promise you won't hurt Carson?" I say.

Johnny starts laughing at my question and so did the rest of the boys. The girls didn't laugh though they were just standing there. Obviously disgusted at Johnnys act.

"If you must know I don't keep promises," Johnny Says wiping the blood off the knife.

"I won't tell," I say.

He leans closer to me. He was inches away from my face.

"Then I guess you have no purpose," he says.

Johnny then stands up not removing eye contact with me. He reaches to the back pocket of his jeans and pulls something out.

A gun


𝐌𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐲(𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐢𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now