✰Thirty Three✰

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"KENZIE?! OH MY F*CKING GOD!!!" Carson shrieked as he enveloped me in a tight hug. Maddie joins in as I nuzzle my chin in his shoulder.

He pulls away and looks at my face. "Kenzie oh my god where were you?! Who took you?!" Carson Said still grabbing me tightly.

"I-I uh......," my voice trailed off.

"Kenzie what happened? Please tell us we were so worried about you," Maddie Says soothingly while running her hands through my hair.

"J-Johnny," I mutter quietly.

"What?" Carson Says, signalling me to speak louder.

I squeeze my eyes shut as his name escapes my mouth. "Johnny," I say louder.

Carson's eyes turn into rage as his mouth twists into a frown. "What did he do to you?" Carson growls at the mention of Johnnys name.



"Carson calm down! She just escaped from being kidnapped give her some time!" Maddie protests.

She grabs me from Carson and hugs me protectively. I wrap my hands around her in fear. Wow, Johnnys name must really trigger him.

Carson sighs before looking at me straight in the eyes. The anger has now left him. "How'd you escape?" He asks calmingly.

"Lauren helped me," I swiftly respond, pulling away from Maddie

"L-Lauren helped you?" He stutters. I raise my eyebrow and nod.

"Yeah she helped me escape, is there a problem with that?" I ask curiously as I examined his face, looking for any clue of emotion.

"No not at all....it's just....why would she help you? I mean you know your the younger sister of her ex?" He says scratching the back of his neck.

"But why would you care?" Maddie chirps up as she wiggles her eyebrows. "Are you not over her?".

"What no!" Carson protests.

Although this time his lying skills were weak. He still wasn't over Lauren, it was obvious! It was basically written all over his face. Me and Maddie give him a glare before he sighs.

"F-fine I still love her, I mean how could I not? She's perfect! It's not like she loves me back," Carson Says with tears swelling in his eyes.

"Aww Cars don't cry!" Maddie Says Hugging him.

I join the hug, we were always close as siblings. Always there for each other, even when they were a pain in the a**. "If it makes you feel any better, she still loves you," I say but it comes out muffled since my face was buried in Carson's shoulder.

Carson pulls away and stares at me in shock. "What how?! No she wouldn't! She broke up with me! She only used me!" He said with his voice getting significantly louder.

I sigh before smiling at him. "Of coarse she started out only dating you for the guns. But over the course of time she fell for you, hard. She didn't want to break up with you. She only did cause Johnny forced her to do so," I say nonchalantly.

"How do you know that?" He raises an eyebrow.

"We May or May not have become best friends," I giggle.

Carson gleefully smiles at me, it could light up a room. "So does that mean you'll get back with her!" I say excitedly while jumping up and down.

His happy smile then twists into a frown. But why? The love of his life loves him back, why would he be sad.

"No I can't," Carson shakes his head in frustration.

"Why?" I say fiddling with his blonde hair.

"Because she's Johnnys sister, he would never let me be near her. Nor do I ever want to be near him," Carson snarls at the mention of Johnnys name. "As much as I'd love to be with her, I won't," Carson Says walking inside as Maddie follows.

Carson must really hate Johnny

A pang of guilt hit me as the memories of me and Johnny cams flooding in. The kisses, the hugs, the stupid fights, the way we smiled at each other, everything! I betrayed Carson, I did the one thing he had forbidden. Out of 7 billion people, I fell for him. Of all people him!

I couldn't do the one thing he asked. How would he react if I told him that I fell for his worst enemy. Well it's not like it matters anyways, he doesn't love me back. It just proves that he's heartless, cruel, and liar on the most part. Faking that he loved me. But along the way I met some nice people, who have grown to become my best friends.

But I don't know what was going through my head when I fell for Johnny, I don't know what I saw that I could change. He will never change, cause he'll always be a heartless cruel gang leader.

But of all things I did the one thing I was forbidden to do. I fell for the one and only Johnny Orlando. If you asked me a few weeks ago I'd call you crazy. Falling for him? Impossible! But now that it's happened, now that it's over. I know that I really did fall for my brothers enemy, even if I didn't want to

                           The end


I may publish a few more chapters if I'm feeling it

Don't kill me if I don't though

𝐌𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐲(𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐢𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now