✰Thirty One✰

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So Kenzie remember, we're leaving tonight," Lauren said as the popcorn popped in the microwave.

"Wait what?" I ask confused.

"Remember? You said you wanted to escape! John is going on a mission tomorrow morning so he'll sleep early, we can leave then," Lauren Says nonchalantly as she sniffs the delicious buttery smell of the popcorn.

"O-oh I don't know if I want to go..." my voice trails off as I oddly rock back and forth.

Lauren whips her head up and stares at me in confusion. "Your saying you don't wanna leave? What about Carson? Your home? Your-,"

"I-I'll think about it," I mutter.

Lauren grabs a bowl and dumps the popcorn in it. "Well you better decide fast cause it's either tonight or never," she says tossing a piece of popcorn in her mouth and walking into the tv room.

I sigh. She's right, this is my only chance. I walk out of the kitchen and into the tv room. Everyone was chatting amongst themselves, while I was confused on where Johnny can be. He wasn't in the tv room, where could he be? He's the one that planned this.

"Where's Johnny?" I ask and the gang looks at me and giggles.

"BOO!". Thats when I felt someone grab my waist and jolt me, which caused me to land flat on the floor. I stare up and match my eyes with bright green orbs.

"Johnny!" I whine while dusting off my outfit. Nothing really came off, but it was worth a shot. "You ruined my outfit!".

"Sorry!" Johnny chuckles while tossing a piece of popcorn in his mouth.

I glare at him, which causes him to shut up immediately. "Don't do that again!".

"I get to choose what I can do!" Johnny folds his arms. "And I can scare you whenever I want!."

"Can not!"

"Can to!"

"Can not,"

"Can to!"

"Can not!"

"Can to!"

"If you guys are done arguing like a married couple can Kenzie pick the movie?" Asher chuckles.

Then me and Johnny both glare at Asher, asher then awkwardly laughs and sinks back into the couch. "Fine I'll pick the movie," I say nonchalant while walking away from Johnny. I huff as I scroll through Netflix as I finally decide on a movie.

Johnny sat beside me, I inched farther away from him.

"Hey you can't be mad at me!" Johnny whines.

"Oh yes a can," I huff facing back to the tv. "And Nothing can Change that!".

"Oh really? What about this?" Johnny smirks as he leans in while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

His lips press against mine as they move in sync. No matter how many times Johnnys kisses me, it'll always feel like 5000 volcanos are exploding in my stomach. I swiftly pull away and stare deep into his eyes.

"Well maybe I can make an exception," I giggle. He wraps his arms around me as we cuddle and watch the movie.

Everyone else had already fallen asleep, so they missed everything basically. I watched as Johnny himself fell asleep. His soft snores filled the room as I fiddled with his hair. This guy is to cute.

His arms were still tightly wrapped around me, as if he were afraid to let me go. I grin at seeing our position, it was like in every romance movie.

My breath hitches when just in the corner I see a figure, Carson. Carson shakes his head and disappears in one swift movement. I was just seeing things. But what would Carson think if he saw me and Johnny? He would hate me! I can't stay here with Johnny, I'll betray Carson!

I jolt up from the sofa and out of Johnnys grip. Johnny also wakes up and rubs his eyes tiredly.

"What's wrong?" Johnny Says worriedly But also in a sleepy tone.

"I-I can't be with you," I tell him as I ran to the other room. Johnny ran after me cause I heard his footsteps following me. I sigh as I stand by the bed and admire the design. Just then Johnny jogs in.

"What do you mean you can't be with me?" He asks.

"Look Johnny, your a sweet guy and all but.....," my voice trails off as I rock back and forth.

"But what?" Johnny raises an eyebrow.

"I'm your enemy's younger sister, my brother hates you. I'd be betraying him if I ever was to be with you, I'm sorry," I finish as I stare into his eyes.

"Who cares what Carson thinks!" Johnny whines as he rests his hands in the headboard.

"You wouldn't understand Johnny, he's my Brother, my best friend, he's been there for me since day one," I say with tears filling my eyes.

"But he's never even given you freedom! Hell he doesn't let you out of the house," Johnny snorts. "Why can't you be with me?" Johnny whines while clinging onto my arm.

I sigh as I stare at him, I smile to attempt to wash the sadness off my face. Also trying not to get to emotional. "Well you must love me a lot to want me to stay," I giggle trying to lighten up the mood.

Johnnys eyes widen at my previous statement. I stare at him confusedly, trying to figure out what I said wrong.

"Johnny did I say something?" I ask.

"L-love?" He says in a scared tone.

"Yes love! Don't you love me?" I smile as I go to hold his hand. He pushes me away.

"N-no.........NO!! I don't love anyone! Especially not you!" Johnny snaps.


"I, Johnny Orlando doesn't or won't love anyone! Especially not a stupid girl like you!" He grits his teeth and points at me.

"But what about everything that happened between us? Didn't that mean anything to you?!" I say with my voice getting louder.

"No! It meant nothing to me! YOU mean nothing to me!" He shouts.

"Well that makes sense! I thought you were different Johnny! But it's clear that your still that heartless cruel guy that everyone hates!" I scream as I walk out the door and slam it.

I run up to Lauren in the tv room and Shake her awake.

"Kenzie...leave me alone I need to sleep," she groans.

"We need to leave now, I'm done with Johnnys bulls***," I whisper but just enough for Lauren to hear.

She jolts up and looks at me. "But I thought you were going to stay!".

"I changed my mind," I roll my eyes. "But please can we go now?".

"Alright get your shoes on," Lauren groans as she sits up from the sofa, making sure not to wake up the others.


𝐌𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐲(𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐢𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now