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"Wake up!!!" Says a voice.

Someone was shaking me and I finally fluttered my eyes open. It was Johnny.

"What?" I say in a sleepy voice.

"We're all hanging out in the pool downstairs so you better get ready," Johnny Says walking out the door.

I groan, I get up and borrow one of Lauren's swimsuits. Why was he even being nice to me? Going to a pool? That doesn't seem like Johnny to take his prisoner to a pool party. Ugh he's probably just doing it so I can spit up where Carson's hideout is, which is not happening.

I walk downstairs to the pool to see everyone swimming around except Johnny. He wasn't even at the pool, he's probably changing.

"Good morning Kenzie," Armani And Asher say.

"Good morning to you too," I reply.

"Hey kenz!" The girls say.

"Hey guys," I smile.

"Kenzie get in the pool!" Lauren Says.

"No no I'm not going in," I say.

"Why! you're in a swimsuit!" Jayden says.

"I'm just going to relax and maybe dip my feet in the water," I say.

"Oh come on Kenzie get in!!!" Annie whines.

"No I don't want to," I say sternly.

"Your such a party pooper," Asher says.

I stick my tongue out at him.

"Well I don't care cause I'm staying on this bench!" I say plopping myself on then bench.

"I don't think that'll happen," Annie Says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

Everyone starts to slightly laugh.

"What's so funny?" I ask folding my arms.

Suddenly I feel someone picking me up and throwing me over there shoulder. I noticed then dirty blonde hair and immediately knew who it was.

"Johnny put me down!" I shout.

I try punching him but it didn't effect him at all. He kept walking toward the pool and the others were laughing there heads off.

"Johnny put me down this instant!" I shout.

"Nuh-Uh," Johnny responds.

"Don't throw me in please!" I plead.

"Sorry pretty girl," Johnny says before throwing me into the pool.

As I was under water I could still hear the muffled laughs. I rose up to the surface gasping for air.

"I hate you!!!" I shout.

"Nope you love me!!" Johnny shouts back.

I groan and get back to the surface. We all hang out in the pool for a while until it was time to go on the mission.

I changed my clothes. I was going to for something fancy but not too fancy. If you know what I mean.

The gang was all sitting in the car and was waiting for me. Since I literally take the longest to get ready. Johnny then shouted from downstairs.

"Kenzie are you done?! We have to leave!!!" He shouts in a agitated voice.

"Yeah I'm done!" I shout back while putting the last bobby pin in my hair.

I leave the room and make my way down the stairs. I see Johnny on his phone while waiting for me.

He looked cute...


"Let's go?" I ask trying to get Johnnys attention.

He looks up from his phone and stares at me, he just stood there. His green orbs match with my brown ones. I realized that he wasn't going to stop staring so I walked past him toward the door.

I was so close to reaching the door knob until a hand snatched it away. I look up and see Johnny. He has his signature smirk displayed on his face.

I expected him to do something, but he didn't. He started taking steps towards me, and I started taking steps backwards.

"J-Johnny What are y-you doing?" I ask nervously.

He doesn't respond and keeps walking toward me.

"S-stop Johnny your s-scaring me," I say.


"J-Johnny stop!" I Say again.


Suddenly I'm backed up against the wall. I look at Johnny, he was still walking towards me. At that moment I tried to sink as deep as I could into the wall. Sweat trickles down the face as Johnny touched my chin. His nose was now touching mine. And he was looking deep into my eyes.

"Looking pretty comes with a price," he whispered to me.

And with that he smashes his lips onto mine and starts kissing me. Like I always do, I just stood there frozen.

He pulled away and smirked even wider.

"Let's get to the car before they wonder where we are," he says.

I nod and we walk to the car. Thanks a lot Johnny you ruined my lip stick.


𝐌𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐲(𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐢𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now