✰Thirty Seven✰

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6 months later.....


I sat on my bed bored out of my mind. Tapping my rosy pink pencil on the desk. Ever since that day, Carson's been so overprotective. I've never been able to see Johnny, it's not like he hasn't come. He has. It's just that Carson NEVER lets me near him.

I'm forced to be homeschooled now, because Carson says it's for my safety. But I know it's just because he doesn't want John to come looking for me. Life's been hard. Not seeing him, or Lauren everyday.

I've begged Carson to at least let me see Lauren, but he refused. Maddie's been understanding these past months, Unlike Carson. She believes I should do whatever makes me happy. She's tried to convince Carson to AT LEAST let me get out of the house.

Yes I haven't been out of the house by myself in MONTHS. I either have to take one of his gang members or him. It's like he's not even my brother anymore, now he's just...holding me captive.

He's no different form ruining my life. The only understanding one is Maddie. Everyone else just laughs at me cause I thought I could change Johnny. And I can! They just won't let me.

But it doesn't matter now. Johnnys back to his old self. Playing Girls, killing, torturing, and all that. If they had just let me, maybe I could've changed him.

There was a sudden knock at my bedroom door. "Come in," i grumbled as I wheeled around in my chair.

Carson walked in while shutting the door behind him. I roll my eyes in annoyance. He casually seats himself my bed facing me, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck.

"What?" I Asked annoyed.


"If your here to gain our friendship back then leave," I snarled at him.

"Kenzie I'm so sorry, I just....I don't want you to get hurt," he sighs.

"Well guess what? You've hurt me more than Johnny ever could," I boom at him. He jumps back as I burst up from my chair in anger.

"Mackenzie you don't know him! If you think you can change him you can't!" Carson also bursts up.

"Yes I can! The only reason I can't is cause your stopping me!" I fire back.

"Mackenzie Frances Ziegler! I don't know what the hell Johnny did to you but I don't like it!" Carson's shouts.

"JOHNNY DID NOTHING! It's you! Your driving me insane by keeping me captive in MY VERY OWN HOUSE! Like for god sakes let me BREATH CARSON!" I scream back.



"What the hell is all this racket!" My mom and dad come bursting in. Me and Carson both face them.

"You two stop fighting!" My dad says pointing at us.

"What's going on?!" My mom says in horror as her golden locks bounce up and down.

I look in shock at my parents standing in the doorway. "Mom?! Dad!? What are you doing here?" I ask in happiness and shock.

"We wanted to surprise you kids but I think we came at a wrong time," our dad says as he let's go of the doorknob.

"What's happened?" My mom asks with her hands placed on her hips.

"Carson's keeping me captive in this house and it's driving me insane!" I Say pointing at him.

"Only cause she wants to see a boy," Carson says pointing back at me.

"A boy I see?" My father raises his eyebrow as a smirk etched on his face.

"Yeah!" Carson smiles acting like he had won. He folds his arms and smiles in his victory.

"Oh Cars I think Kenzie is old enough to talk to boys," My mom chuckles. She winks at me, signalling she's taking my side.

Me and my mom have Always been close. She was like my best friend who lived in my house, besides Maddie.

"What no that's not fair!" Carson whines. "They guy she's going for is dangerous," Carson accuses.

"And who might that dAnGeroUs boy  be?" My dad chuckles.

"Johnny Orlando," Carson whispers just enough for my parents to hear. They both turned pale and froze in there spots.

"Johnny Orlando? As in the biggest gang leader in town?" My dad questions.

I sheepishly nod.

"Kenzie do you mind if I talk to you?" My mom asked in a frustrated tone. "Privately?".

I nod and make my way downstairs with her. She leads me to the kitchen and sits me down on one of the bar stools, as she was sitting directly across from me. I tapped my perfectly painted nails on the table as I awaited what my mother was going to say.

"Is it true what Carson said? About Johnny?" My mother breaks the silence.

I stop tapping and face her. My throat immediately gets dry as I try to spill the Answer.

"Y-yes," I croak out. Tears swelled in my eyes.

She sighs in frustration and disappointment. "Kenzie you know I'll do anything for you. But this....this I just can't accept," she shakes her head.

A small tear rolls down my cheek. Why won't anyone understand? I CAN change him, if they just let me. "I don't think anyone has the right to say that," I say wiping the tear off my face, but just smearing more on my cheek.

"What?" My mom asks standing up from her seat, her red manicured nails shining in the kitchen light.

"Remember? How you found dad? Everyone told you not to be with him cause he was a player, but you changed him! You proved everyone wrong! How is this situation any different?" I slam my hands on the table.

"This is not the same-,"

"Yes it is mom! Why doesn't anyone believe that I can change him! Didn't you say yourself you'd do anything for love? Didn't you say if you love that person enough you should go after them? So then why is everyone holding me back!" I cry.

"Dear because he's dangerous!" My mom pleads.

"If you let me I could've changed him and he wouldn't be dangerous!" I start sobbing.

This time I couldn't hold my tears, I let them spill out. I let everything I was holding in for 6 months spill out. My mom immediately runs over to me and wraps her arms around my tiny body. 

My tears soak into her shoulder as she rocks me back and forth. My mom runs her hand up and down my hair in a soothing way. "W-why can't I just be with him?" I say calming down.

My mom clicks her tongue hesitantly before pulling me out of the hug. My red blotchy eyes face her perfect ocean blue orbs. Her finger slightly wipes a tear under my eye. "Do you really love him?" My mom pushes a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"More than anything mom," I croak out.

My mom sighs before replacing it with a hesitant smile. "If he makes you happy then......"

"Then what?" I ask impatiently.

"Then you should go after him,"


𝐌𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐲(𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐢𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now