✰Twenty Six✰

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                       Lauren pov

I Walk Into The house the next morning. The gang were still out somewhere while I decided to come home. I place my keys on the counter and make my way up the stairs.

I smiled at the thought of last night. Finally me and the gang were to have some fun. Usually we're always killing and stuff, but it was nice to finally enjoy myself for once.

But my smile fades as I see a shivering petite figure curled up in a ball against the wall. Right in front of Johnnys room. There was blood all over her and her state was horrible. I was quick enough to realize the girl was the one and only Mackenzie Ziegler.

"Omg Kenzie what happened!" I scream as I immediately run over to her.

Kenzie jolts awake and tears start to fall from her eyes, she then hugs me and sobs into my shoulder.

"I-it hurts make it s-stop," she cries.

"Don't worry Kenzie I'll help you," I say soothingly while leading her to a room.

I sit her on the bed and immediately take out the medical kit. I take out the cotton swabs and attempt to wipe away the blood all over her. Kenzie flinched once in a while due to the burning, but besides that she was alright.

I then go to her back to see a HUGE bruise. I gasp in shock, who could've done that to such a fragile girl? Thankfully her back wasn't broken, but unfortunately there was nothing I could do to help the bruise.

All she could do to help it was get some rest. It should be better in a few weeks or so, I hope. I carefully lay Kenzie on the bed and put the blanket on her.

"Kenzie who did this to you?" I ask worriedly.

"I-I don't want to tell," she says with more tears filling in her eyes.

"Kenzie please tell me so I can kick their a**," I say.

I would've thought it was Johnny but Kenzie and Johnny seemed to have developed a better relationship. Plus John couldn't even bring himself to shoot her the other day, why would he hurt her now? (Sis you thought wrong)

"I can't y-you'll be disappointed in the person," she said looking away.

"Kenzie please!" I beg. "I'm trying to help you,".

She looks back at me, hesitating to say her words. It hurt me to see my friend in pain. Not only is she my friend but also the love of my life's little sister. Oh what am I kidding? Carson probably hates me cause I broke his heart. If only he knew the truth.

"Fine, it was Johnny, I went into the bedroom to sleep and saw that b**** sprawled across the bed. I politely asked her to leave but then Johnny told me that I had to go to a different room cause that girl was taking my spot. I tried to tell Johnny that there were no rooms left but he just kicked me in the stomach and threw me outside," she says looking at the ground.

My mouth dropped open. My bother? My very own brother... did this? I thought they were finally getting along, i thought John would finally become nice. But no this b**** comes and ruins it all. That's it I'm done!

"Oh I'm gonna kick his a**," I grit my teeth and stand up from my chair with force.

"Lauren don't-,"

But before Kenzie could finish I already left out he door and towards Johnnys bedroom. I kick the door open to see Johnny and Lily asleep on the bed. But they were soon jolted awake as to result when I kicked the door open.

"Learn to knock jeez!" Lily snarled.

"Lauren what the hell," Johnny Says in a somewhat angry and tired voice.

"Johnny are you kidding me?" I fire with sass in my tone.

He immediately looks at me with confusion. Yet he looked concerned at the same time.

"What did I do this time I swear-,"

"Did you hurt Mackenzie?" I ask nonchalantly, obviously knowing the answer but wanting him to say it himself.

His breath hitches in his throat as I said my previous statement. He knows he did it, and now he'll pay the price.

"Lauren I can-,"

"Explain? Well great then go ahead," I fire at him.

He gulps.

"U-uh i uh.....,"

"Exactly! Johnny I thought you were finally becoming decent! Ever since Mackenzie came here you've been acting nicer, it was a good change! But this son of a b**** came around and turned you back! Do you even know what you did to Mackenzie?" I screeched.

"Oh please get over it-," I cut lily off.

"Shut up your not invited In this conversation!" I scream at her while staring daggers into her soul.

The blue eyed girl immediately stops talking and sinks in the bed in fear, good. I'm usually nice, but I can be one scary b**** if I want to. (I literally love Lauren in this book)

"Johnny you could've killed her you know that! Did you know there were no rooms available? So that meant she had to sleep in the hallway shivering cause the heater was broken. And she was covered in a hell lot of blood from when you beat her up, not to mention the huge bruise on her back! Thanks to you Johnny she probably can't move for a goddamn week! Good job dumba**!" With that I turn around.

"Lauren Wait!"

But I didn't Stop to hear him out, he doesn't deserve it. Instead I slam the door shut and leave. Sometimes I wonder why he's my Brother? We're nothing alike. He's a murderer while I can barely hurt a fly.

Why can't I have a normal life? A normal family? A f****** normal brother! Why can't I be a normal teen girl, with the love of her life!

Why can't I?! Why am I stuck here with my murderous brother? Why can't I have a normal family. Sometimes I wish my parents weren't so busy With there lives so they could actually BE parents. And my sisters could take some time off from university to actually notice they have younger siblings.

My whole life all I've ever wanted was a normal family, or just a normal life


𝐌𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐲(𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐢𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now