✰Twenty Seven✰

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Lauren Walks Back Into the bedroom with her head in her Hands.

"Lauren what did you-,"

"He deserved it," she said nonchalantly while cutting me off.

"What did you do?" I ask again but this time earning a actual response.

"I screamed at him multiple times and now I'm pretty sure he's depressed," Lauren cracked a smile.

"Why would be be depressed?" I ask.

"Oh he hasn't told you?" Lauren smiles. "He's a real softie to me, when I'm mad at him he starts to cry and begs me to forgive him,".

It took me a while to process the information. Johnny was a softie? Johnny cried? Who knew the biggest and baddest gang leader actually was a softie. Why did it warm my heart to think of Johnny being a softie? I don't know.

"Aww that's cute!" I laugh. "Do you always forgive him?".

"Usually yes, but this time I'm not going to," Lauren folds her arms.

"Lauren he's your brother, you should forgive him, don't stop for me," I say softly.

"Kenzie do you even remember what he did to you? He could've killed you!" Lauren said angrily while thinking about it.

I sigh, but that's when I notice a familiar silhouette standing in the doorway. One of the last people I wanted to see. And surprisingly it wasn't Johnny, thank god.

"Hey!" Lily said while strutting in.

"What are you doing here?" Lauren snarled at her.

Lily glared at Lauren. "Learn some manners dear," she said as she flipped her hair. Lily then turned to me and giggled.

"Wow Johnny must've done a good job," she smiled while batting her eyelashes.

"What the hell do you want?" I ask with force. It hurt when I spoke. Goddamn!

"Oh Johnny has to teach you both a lesson on how to respect people, it's clear that you two have no manners whatsoever," Lily snarled.

"Yeah and you need a lesson on how not to steal someone's man," Lauren snarled back.

Lauren was a feisty type, well only when it came to defending her friends. Other than that she was pretty shy.

"Kenzie was never Johnnys and even John Said so!" Lily screeched obviously pissed off at Lauren's statement.

"Well she was going to be until your crusty a** barged in," Lauren rolls her eyes.

"Oh you-,"

"Lily where are you?" A familiar voice Asked as they entered the room.

I made eye contact with some familiar green orbs. I immediately looked away though. I'm not falling for his tricks again.

"Lauren, Kenzie please listen-," Johnny started But was immediately cut off.

"Lilys right here and don't worry you can keep her all to yourself cause no one wants her crusty a** here! Plus you two deserve each other," Lauren screeched while shoving Lily out the door onto Johnny.

They both toppled onto the wooden floor as Lauren slammed the door with force, shaking the house a little.It made me flinch, damn Lauren was scary. She turned around to face me, her frown immediately turned into a smile as her eyes locked with mine.

"Sorry about that," she said sheepishly. "I'm just going to take a nap, will you be okay?".

I mean I could use some rest myself, besides Lauren's been out all night and should get some sleep as well.

"Yeah that's fine," I smile.

"Oh and I'll turn the tv on for you, something to keep you entertained," she says as she picks up the remote.

I didn't even realize there was a tv in this room. I must've been to focused on my surroundings. I watch as Lauren clicked through the channels. She stops on the news channel and faces me while setting down the remote.

"Sorry there's only a news channel, you okay with that?" She asks.

"Oh yeah it's totally fine!" I flash a smile at her.

I honestly love watching the news, and documentaries. Most girls would rather be watching some Netflix show, but me? Nah the news channel was my type. It was so interesting, you could know about everything going on in the world, how could you not love it?

Lauren left the room shortly after as I laid my head back at watched the tv. Finally some time to myself. No Johnny, no Lily, and no abuse. But that's when in hit me. Carson!

What would Carson be thinking right now?! He's probably beating himself up  every day for this. And Maddie... she's probably bawling her eyes out. My parents... they probably don't even know what's going on.

All three of us siblings promised to keep all this gang things between us, and never tell. Mostly cause it'd cause more drama between our parents. Mom and dad would already fight a hell lot, imagine if there oldest son came up to them and said "oh ya my rival enemy kidnapped Mackenzie and is probably going to kill her".

My parents would probably freak out and have a huge fight, which could result to a divorce.

But that's when I hear a voice that snaps me out of my thoughts, a all to familiar voice. And no it wasn't Johnny, it was from the tv.

I snap my head towards the tv and instantly regret it as a sharp pain struck my neck. I place my arm on it and squint in pain. If Carson was here he'd beat the living crap out of Johnny for doing this. I slowly open my eyes as the pain starts to fade away. That's when I see a familiar blonde and brunette in the tv.

Carson and Maddie

Maddie flew all the way from Toronto after she heard I was kidnapped. What a good sister. Both of them seemed to be about to talk on the news.

"About a week ago 16 year old Mackenzie Ziegler was kidnaped on her way home from school, her family is devastated at the news, and they have some words to say," the news reporter handed the mic to Carson who was standing beside Maddie.

Both siblings had red blotchy eyes, Definitely from crying. My heart fluttered on hearing there voices.

"Please if you've seen her bring her back! Johnny please bring her back I'll do anything! Anything I tell you! Just bring my baby sister back," Carson sobbed.

Maddie then broke down in tears beside him. Carson hugged her and they sobbed in each other's shoulders. My heart broke into pieces. They were hurting. They were hurting cause I was gone. I have to go back. I can't make them suffer like this.

I call Lauren's name, which resulted for another sharp pain to hit my neck, I flinched. Lauren came running in, in a half sleepy daze. I felt kinda bad for waking her up like this.

"What happened who's hurting you!" She said worriedly.

"It's nothing Lauren just...," my voice trails off.

She walks over to me and pats my head soothingly. "Kenzie what happened?" She Asked once more.

My shaky finger points to the flat tv screen placed in front of me. Lauren watched in horror as she saw my siblings state. They were red head to toe. Carson DEFINITELY looked like he was beating himself up.

Lauren immediately shuts off the tv and hugs me. But still managing to do it gently as she knew my state.

"Oh my god Kenzie I'm so sorry," she says while rocking back and forth while hugging me.

"I-it's Fine....," I sniffle "but can you do just one favour for me?".

"Yes of coarse Kenz what do you need?" She asks pulling away and locking her eyes with mine.

"Can you help me escape?"



Credits to ummmmmmhiiiii for giving me ideas for this book

𝐌𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐲(𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐢𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now