✰Twenty Four✰

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WAIT SO HE DIDN'T SHOOT YOU?!" Lauren Screamed with her eyes practically bulging out of her skull.

"Yeah he was going to but then he just dropped the gun and left," I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Do you know what this means Kenzie?" Annie Says throwing her hands in the air.

"No?" I say in more of a question tone.

"Your turning him soft! The biggest gang leader is finally turning soft!" Jayden squealed.

It seemed like the most amazing thing in the world for a gang leader to become soft to them? I mean yeah that's kinda weird. Johnny? Soft? Nah! There is no way in hell that he'd ever be soft, especially from a girl like me.

"I am not turning soft!" A voice boomed from the doorway.

All the girls snapped there heads around only to face the one and only Johnny Orlando. God where does he keep appearing from?

"Johnny-," Jayden was cut off.

"All of you get out I need to talk to Mackenzie," he grits his teeth.

All the girls look taken back but more scared to be honest, probably cause Johnny never talks to them like this. Even Lauren was scared, and she's his younger sister. But the girls followed his orders and left the room with no questions.

Johnny makes his way towards me, not making eye contact but just looking at the floor as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

He sat down on the couch beside my bed, still not looking at me. It was making me really anxious. I wanted to know what he wanted and I wanted to know it now.

I started tapping my finger on the night stand trying to purposely annoy him so he'd say something. Minutes went by and Johnnys face was turning red...I was definitely pissing him off, good. I tapped louder and then finally he jumped out of his seat.

"Will you stop it!!!" He booms.

"Well sorry!" I snarl back.

He looks taken back but then regains his senses.

"What is wrong with you?!" He says in a softer tone.

Now this time I was the one to be taken back. Johnny? Talking nicely? Hell no!

"What do you mean what's wrong with me! Your the one who kidnapped me and-,"

"No no no not that way," he says scratching the back of his neck.

I raise an eyebrow and cross my arms.

"Then What way?" I ask sassily.

He sighs and then takes a seat on the couch again. He looks up at me, his emerald green eyes shining in the glare of the light. It made them look gorgeous. His best feature was definitely his eyes.

They were a shiny emerald green, anyone could get lost in them. They had small specks, almost as if there was stars in his eyes. Even if it was dark, you could see the shine in his orbs, they were amazing! They were-

Suddenly a finger was snapping in my face and I finally came back to my sentences.

"Huh huh what?" I ask confused.

"If your done with your paragraph about my eyes can I talk to you?" Johnny smirks.

"Oh s*** I said that out loud?!" I almost scream.

"Yeah, I heard every part of it! About How dreamy my eyes are and how anyone could get lost in them and-,"

"Oh cut it out!" I laugh.

Johnny Laughed. Johnny Laughed? Omg this is the first time Johnny had actually laughed!

"This is the first time you've genuinely laughed!" I Say.

"Well ya in front of you!" He playfully rolls his eyes.

Suddenly for a moment I just blanked. I completely blanked when I made contact with those green orbs. It's as if both of our eyes were stuck together. There was a slight Twinkle in his eyes. Ugh why does he have to be so perfect! My hand slipped into his. Suddenly he broke eye contact and realized what he was doing. He jolted his hand away and gave me a dirty look.

I looked down in embarrassment. He didn't like me, he's probably pissed off that I tried to make a move. Good job Mackenzie you pissed him off! Now he hates you even more!

I would be lying if I said I didn't want him to kiss me. There was something about him, more specifically the kisses he gave me. They made me feel something amazing, like it felt really good I'm not kidding!

Johnny clears his throat "I wanted to talk to you," he says scratching the back of his neck again.

"Yeah um what were you going to say," I say still looking at the ground.

Johnny noticed how my mood dropped, you probably know why.

"Are you sad?" He asked tilting my chin up so his eyes were matched with mine.

"What no I'm not sad! I'm never sad!" I say awkwardly.

Johnny chuckles at my horrible acting skills. I'm actually a pretty good actor, just not good when it comes to lying. I've never been good at lying, that's why I've learned to always tell the truth. My siblings Maddie and Carson on the other hand are pros at lying.

They'd always blame stuff on me, and me being the youngest sucked at defending myself. Also considering the fact that they were REALLY good and coming up with fake background stories to get me in trouble. But they eventually they grew out of that faze.

"Are you sad cause of me?" Johnny Asks.

"No I'm not," I say crossing my arms.

Once again I was bad at lying, and he noticed it. Screw my horrible lying skills!

"Is it because I rejected you when you tried to make a move?" He smirked.

"No definitely not!" I say awkwardly, making it obvious once again.

Johnny smirks. A devilish grin displayed on his face. He could literally ask me anything and I'd tell him the right answer. Screw him!

"Do you want me to make it up to you?" He devilishly smirks.


He moves dangerously close to my face, his nose was touching and his breath fanned my neck as he put his finger to my cheek.

"I'll ask you again, do you want me to make it up to you?" He huskily whispers in my ear. (JUST CLARIFYING THERE IS NO SMUT IN THIS BOOK)

I gulp, there was a bit of fear in the pit of my stomach, mostly questioning what he'd do to me? But most of me was full of excitement and butterflies. But I asked for this? And he's giving me the offer? So why shouldn't I take it?

"Yes, I want you to make it up to me,"


Guys just letting you know there is no smut in this book so this is a clean book lmao I'm too innocent

𝐌𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐲(𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐢𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now