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Graduation day: the day all senior students get fancied up, grab their diplomas and then have to sort another four to ten years in university to get another diploma. Mother wanted me to be exactly what she had in her mind for when I got older; she wanted me with a rich man and to support him at home with children.

Mother worked as the sheriff in the city, which the Kingsley family has found to be a huge benefit on the behalf of what my parents really do, outside of owning a company of technology.

Then there was my father; a man of many actions and very few words, who worked in a box office, ordering his employees around when he wasn't running his dirty business on the side. He cared for me because I was his little mafia princess, and I loved being spoiled by his love.

Lorenzo, my older brother, had just graduated college and was opening his own tattoo parlour since he discovered his love for both art and the ink on his arms and chest, and his twin Dante had gone straight to the military at eighteen-years so he could get away from our parents.

I had graduated from high school just two hours ago and it was supposed to be exciting to begin my new life... but as Mother prepped up my face and my father yelled at someone on the phone in his office, I couldn't help but wonder how much happier I would be once I was away from the Barbie life I was living. My friends were out at the fun events promised to our year yet I was back at home, getting ready to meet a family I had no interest in ever wanting to know for the sake of the fortune of our family.

"Remember what we have rehearsed for tonight, Mija," Mother softly spoke into my ear, her golden eyes piercing through my darker brown ones. "You will walk down the stairs with a smile on your face, greet the guests that come in–"

"And I will introduce myself as the heiress of Kingsley Corporations," I mumbled, bored of this conversation already, "and explain in that sickeningly sweet little-angel voice you force me to use, just how important it is for this particular family to join us. Relax, Mother, I know what I'm doing."

"You do not interrupt me from speaking, young lady," Mother spoke up, pausing her hands as they fixed my hair up into a neat bun. "This night is important to your father and me so it is important for you to listen to what we say."

"Juro que voy a estrangular a la próxima persona que diga eso," I muttered under my breath, remembering one of the maids say the exact same thing to me as they were helping me into my dress for this evening.

Mother tugged at my bun as an indication for me to silence myself. I rolled my eyes but obliged, wanting nothing more than for this little night of using me as their puppet to be over.

Mother used me as a pawn while my father was too busy doing work to notice; I helped attract the younger businessmen that had recently taken over a company. From there came the suitors, the constant sexual harassment from the businessmen Father would bring in, and being locked in my room for the rest of the night after putting my special knife to their throat for daring to touch me so inappropriately.

Of course, I was always in the wrong in such situations. Most of the men in their offices now could have had their throats slit open if I was in a bad enough mood.

A knock at the door paused Mother's movements, and my bedroom door opened to reveal my father. I smiled at him through the mirror and by the stare he shot in Mother's direction, he wanted a word alone with me. She stood up, giving him a kiss on the cheek before leaving the bedroom.

"Hey, pumpkin," he mumbled, kissing my temple as he stared at me.

"Hi, Daddy," I softly spoke. I hesitated as I thought of what I was going to say without disrespecting him. "Was this meeting honestly important enough that it had to be right after my graduation?"

His Princesa - 18+ | Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now