C H A P T E R • 13

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"Gabriel, stop it," I whimpered, moaning when he pressed his tongue against my slit, dragging it up slowly while chuckling. "I'm trying to sleep, you fucking rat. Let me."

"Yeah, well, I'm not," he mumbled, holding me by the thighs. I sat up, holding his hair in my hands and gasping loudly. "Stop moving, Vanessa."

"I-I can't," I moaned, hissing when he nipped at my lower lips. "Gabriel, you're teasing."

He hummed, slowly licking up my body, and pressing long kisses along my flesh. He pushed my body back, running his tongue up to my chest, where he sucked on my pulse roughly.

"You taste good. It's not my fault you just so happen to like teasing me," he said, wrapping a hand around my neck and keeping a firm grip. I moaned, biting my lip when he pushed into me, tightening his grip around my neck while groaning.

"You feel so good," he moaned, pressing our lips together. I wrapped one of my legs around his narrow waist, my fingernails digging into the muscles of his back. My taste stained my tongue as he caressed it with his own, giving me a moment to adjust to the intrusion.

"Go faster," I cried out in frustration. "Please."

I could hear his grunt of approval, parting my lips with his tongue and sucking on mine. I whimpered, digging my fingers into his flesh even harder as his hips repeatedly met mine, his hand still tight around my neck as he pulled away, panting heavily as I clenched around him.

"You like when I pound into your tight pussy, princesa?" He breathed into my ear, his body towering over mine as he pushed himself into me ruthlessly. "Do you like having my cock buried deep inside of you?"

I nodded my head frantically, my head tilting back as he spread my legs even wider, pushing so deep inside of me I was seeing stars. His hips moved fast, his mouth just an inch from mine as he continued to plunder into me. All I could think about was how good he was making me feel; how fucking perfect he felt as he slid in and out of me with ease; the dirty words he would whisper into my ear as he continued to push his hips against mine.

He made me feel good in so many ways, his eyes never leaving mine as he pushed me closer to my orgasm. My eyes fluttered closed and I let out a loud moan as I could feel my release coming closer.

"Don't close your eyes, princesa. Look at me when I make you come," he breathed, rubbing his thumb along the pulse in my throat as he slightly loosened his grip on my neck, kissing my jaw.

I opened my eyes with difficulty, keeping contact with him while he continued to push into me roughly, biting down on his lip as he groaned. I could see that he was trying not to close his eyes. I tried to do the same but when he began to press against my g-spot, my eyes rolled back with pleasure and I cried out, feeling my orgasm surfacing.

"Wait for me, baby," he gritted out, pressing our foreheads together while moving his hand down to my clit, rubbing it while his hips' movements became persistent, trying to find his own undoing.

"Fuck," he groaned out, biting his lip when I clenched even harder around him, crying out.

"I can't hold it, Gabe," I whimpered.

"I'm almost there," he panted, pressing a gentle kiss to my lips. Just as he said that, he let out a swear and tensed above me, burying his face into the crook of my neck.

His Princesa - 18+ | Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now