C H A P T E R • 23

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The next day, neither Gabriel nor myself could drive because we were rather — ahem — preoccupied. Silvio ended up driving us back all while we tried our best not to break for Silvio's sake so he wouldn't have to hear anything.

The second we got home, Gabriel got out of the car. I stepped out and barely managed to thank Silvio for everything before Gabriel was  pulling me into...

"Who's house is this?" He mumbled, stopping at the front door.

"Ours," I simply answered, grinning up at him. Gabriel stared at me, then the large cabin-style house in front of us.

Considering we were in the middle of the woods, the large house was made of wood planks, logs, and cobblestone. A flight of stone steps led to the giant front doors and beside the steps was a giant three-car garage. I remember looking at it and immediately knowing that this was the house that I wanted for us.

I just hope that Gabriel felt the same.

"Don't immediately judge it," I spoke up, biting my lip nervously at his silence. "The inside is beautiful and I counted all the fireplaces in there and it's five; one in the main living room, one in the master bedroom — that's our room —, then there's one in the study room on the second floor, one in the living room downstairs in the basement in then there's one more in the family room upstairs.

"All of our stuff is already in here," I continued to ramble, feeling Gabriel's hands slide around my hips as I stared at the exterior of the house. "I-I had some of the guys that came with me move them in while I was under the radar from everybody. I bought furniture that made the house look modern but not too modern to the point that it looked ridiculous in a giant cabin in the woods.

"Th-there's also a giant lake out back with a deck with paddle boats and on the second floor, our room has a balcony that overlooks it. Maybe you won't like at first because you're not used to the nice quiet life but I just thought we could give it a shot, you know?"

Gabriel was grinning widely as he watched me, eventually turning my head and pressing our lips together. I gasped, my arms flying around his neck while he pushed me closer to his rock-hard body. I closed my eyes and kissed him back, feeling a bulge grow against my abdomen when I pushed myself incredibly closer to him.

"I don't deserve you," he whispered against my lips, pecking them again. "You're amazing."

I smiled. "So, you like it?"

Gabriel nodded his head. "It's perfect, princesa."

I bit back a giggle and turned to it, grabbing Gabriel's hand. "Come on, I want to show you the bedroom."

"Do you now?" Gabriel mused, wrapping his arms around me the second the door closed.

When I felt his lips brush along my neck, I couldn't help but moan. Gabriel smiled, pushing his body against mine while moving his hands down from my waist to my ass.

"I-I meant to show you what it looks like," I gasped, squealing when he picked me up and began to make his way up the giant staircase. "Last door on the left."

The second we were at the stop of the stairway, Gabriel pushed me against a wall and ran his hand through my hair, his second one holding me. Our tongues moulded against each other, lips bruised from the long hours we spent yesterday and earlier today.

His Princesa - 18+ | Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now