C H A P T E R • 5

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"I'm not letting you near that puto," Gabriel said as he followed me to the lounge room where every guard on their break was allowed.

"Then why are you following me to the exact place he's at?" I retorted, glaring at him from behind my shoulder. "You can't control me, Gabriel, so stop trying to, because if you keep trying I swear you'll regret it."

"You talk a lot of shit but don't really stick to your word, huh?" He said smugly. "It's funny how you went from talking all that to begging me to go faster when I had you under me."

My response to him was a punch to his side which I bet hurt my knuckles more than it hurt his ribcage. I could see the slight grimace on his face and I shook my hand, not even sparing him a glance at his crude comment as I walked to the elevator. I kept my stare at the door as we descended, not caring about whatever was falling from Gabriel's lips as he spoke.

"You're real mature," Gabriel sarcastically commented, which I heard.

"So are you," I said with just as much sass. "I find it easy to block out irrelevant things."

Gabriel let out a humorless chuckle just as the doors opened. I stepped out of the elevator and walked down the hall, feeling his presence behind me as I got farther.

"You're a thirty-two-year-old man with the brain of an eighteen-year-old, possibly even younger," I remarked with an eye-roll.

"Trust me, it's only you I'm like this around," Gabriel stated. "I would gladly be a bit more mature with you if you would show me even a sliver of respect."

"Do you show me a sliver of respect?" I mumbled.

"Actually, I do." Gabriel stopped me from walking by grabbing my wrist, pulling me back to him. When our turned me around, I stared up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I understand that you're trying to be this macho badass that takes things too seriously for the sake of your business," he said, his voice the most calm and let-down I ever heard him speak, "but you need to realize that having fun isn't a crime for people like us — everything else we do is."

I couldn't stop the small smile from growing on my lips at his horrible attempt of a joke. "You're an idiot, Díaz."

"I'm a smart idiot," he corrected with a grin, slowly moving his hands to my shoulders. "Vanessa, I'm serious, okay? I was just joking around with you upstairs. I respect you not only as a business partner but as my fiancée, as much as you don't like the sound of that.

"I get that you were raised to be all serious and shit but you're an adult and you get to make you're own decisions with how you run things.

"It's been six years and you're still following the plans your father made for you," he continued, one of his large hands running through my hair gently. My breath caught in my throat at the small action, my eyes not being able to waver from Gabriel's. "Maybe if you would give yourself from freedom away from your parents' wants and needs you wouldn't be so focused on keeping away from fun things — like me."

I rolled my eyes, trying to stop them from closing as he scratched my scalp.

"You should make up your own plans for the cartel while you're in Puerto Rico with me," Gabriel said, shrugging. "I can help with some of it, too, and then we can announce it to the other empires we're allies with."

I pursed my lips, my eyelids becoming heavy when I Gabriel began to scratch the right spot of my head.

"My parents scold me for having the smallest bit of fun," I said, sighing. "I overwork myself because I'm not given much of a choice. My parents would see me as untrustworthy if I suddenly decided to care more about doing something exciting more than my 24/7 job."

His Princesa - 18+ | Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now