C H A P T E R • 9

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When I woke up, my head was pounding. I allowed myself to stretch and I sighed, moving my body to sit up. A deep groan fell from someone behind me and I jumped, trying to turn to see who it was. However, due to the large arm draped around me, it was almost impossible for me to move.

"Stop moving before I tie you to the bed," Gabriel dismissively muttered, his head in my neck while his arms were around my body. He tightened his grip.

"Where are we?" I tiredly whispered, turning around and wrapping one leg around his waist.

"About thirty-thousand feet in the air, heading to Puerto Rico," he mumbled. "Go back to sleep, princesa. You've had a long night."

"No," I childishly responded before moving one of my hands to his chest, tracing his abs. Gabriel hummed lowly, caressing my back with his fingers. "I'm going to give you a blowjob."

I could hear him inhale to say something but stopped. "What?"

I didn't say anything, flipping him onto his back before slowly gliding down the bed. His breathing had already picked up and I bit my lips to stop smiling before flipping the blankets over my head.

"You need to rest, Vee," he breathed out, hissing when I traced the outline of his growing erection with one finger. "You've had a long night since the party and I don't want you to feel over — oh, shit."

I pushed his silk boxers out of the wat lips wrapped around his swollen tip, sucking on it which drew a long moan from him. I moaned with him, pressing my thighs together while my hands wrapped around his thick girth, beginning to move up and down in steady twists.

Gabriel's hand went to my hair and pushed it down more, which I gladly obliged to. My mouth widened and I hummed lowly, moving my head up and down while my hand followed my movements. I glanced up and found his chest heaving, his free hand gripping his hair while another deep moan came from his lips.

Fuck, he was attractive to angering measurements.

"You're doing so good, baby," he panted, gripping my hair tighter. His comment only made me persist as I sucked harshly, causing his hips to jerk up with a swear from him. "Fuck, keep going, Vanessa."

I moaned around his cock, one of my hands travelling down my body and sinking into my dripping core. I shivered, gasping when Gabriel began to thrust into my mouth desperately, panting and groaning at the work of my tongue and hand duo.

"Shit!" He shouted, keeping my head in place when he twitched before exploding into my mouth. I greedily swallowed it up, still pumping my fingers into my wet centre as I pulled my mouth away, sucking one last time on his tip before looking up to find his eyes on me — or rather, the hand nestled between my thighs.

"Sucking my cock made you so fucking wet, didn't it, baby?" He mumbled and I could see him licking his lips as he watched me.

I nodded, biting both of my lips and feeling my eyes flutter as I curled my fingers inside of me.

"Get your sexy ass up here now," he ordered, making my eyes open. I stood up and Gabriel looked down, biting his lip and groaning to himself. He was still lying down pulling me to him by waist.

His Princesa - 18+ | Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now