C H A P T E R • 18

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I never thought that I would have such a crazy fucking two weeks and yet here I was, sitting at my desk while Vanessa laid across my office couch, reading with her legs hung over the armrest. After the confirmation on our marriage, the incident between her and Mateo, flying over to Puerto Rico and everything that happened with that stupid contract.

Was it worth it? Of course, it fucking was. Anything for Vanessa was worth it.

Once again, a bowl of strawberries sat on the table in front of the couch and she occasionally grabbed one after pushing her round glasses up the bridge of her nose.

I surprisingly finished a lot of work today but I slowed once Vanessa came in. After everything that we talked about yesterday, I felt like we were closer; she understood me more and she let me see more of her than she had let anyone else see. Plus, the air felt a lot more open.

"You almost done working?" Vanessa asked me. My eyes moved up and met her dark brown orbs, the smallest of smirks growing on my lips when I saw the pout that was on her full lips.

"Depends on what I'll get if I finish," I said back, moving my eyes back to the paper in front of me.

"Another day to live. Hurry your ass up, Gabriel."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my pen, continuing to write down on the papers. A few minutes went by of silence and I was almost halfway through finishing all of my work when I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me pause and look behind me.

"I need you to take me to the store and help me find some slippers to match my shirt," Vanessa softly spoke, making me grin and look at my computer screen once again.

"You're a fan of rabbits?" I asked, referring to the giant pastel pink shirt she wore with a single white blob that she needed to remind me every time she wore it that it was, in fact, a rabbit.

"Bunnies," she corrected. "And yes, I am a fan of them. That's why I need the slippers."

I hummed, feeling her chest pressed to one of my shoulders as she crawled on one leg, sitting down. I grunted, instinctively putting an arm around her waist so she wouldn't fall. Vanessa moved an arm around my shoulder and rested her head on it, watching with interest as I flipped through another folder before typing with one hand into the computer.

"You're making this very difficult, Vanessa." I grunted when I felt her gently nibble on my neck, smiling smugly. "Let me work, baby. This is important."

"How important?" She complained, running a hand down my chest while I struggled to concentrate.

"Very. It's for your half of the company. I haven't even started my half yet." I hissed when Vanessa's hand moved past my pants, biting her lip as she quickly looked down before looking back at me.

"Then let me do the work," she said with a huff.

I paused my movements before continuing to write. I could tell that she was growing frustrated with my silent responses before she let out an annoyed groan and moved her body off of me, moving back to the sofa. She sat down, grabbing her book and beginning to read again.

"Don't start with the silent treatment, princesa," I said, raising an eyebrow and looking at her when all I got was a grunt. "You can't be serious. I'm trying to work, Vee. You're going to have to schedule your next dick appointment ahead of time."

His Princesa - 18+ | Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now