C H A P T E R • 4

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There had only been two times when I was embarrassed with myself; when I lost five guys during what I believed would be a small raid (which ended up successful, obviously) and today when I was in my bedroom for hours... with my supposed fiancé.

It wasn't my fault, though.

God, Mother couldn't have forced me to marry someone less attractive? Someone that was easier to hate? But, noo, she had to make a deal with a beautiful, arrogant Puerto Rican asshole that knows how to turn me to jelly after many hours in bed.

"Don't you look happy," that exact man said, smirking as he watched me do his shirt up my body. "Why are you leaving? Business calls?"

"Tell me how you're able to leave for hours and not worry about anything that might go wrong while you're gone," I muttered, rolling my eyes.

"You worry too much," Gabriel simply said, standing up. He walked towards me, eventually towering over me and began helping me with the buttons. "Just relax, princesa. I had my men taking care of it while we were... busy."

I stayed silent, keeping my eyes on anything but his face as he buttoned the shirt. When he finished, Gabriel grabbed my chin and made me look up into his golden-brown hues.

"You've done nothing but work for six years," he said with a raised eyebrow. "Just take a fucking break and let someone else take over for once."

I frowned and Gabriel grinned, leaning down and centering his attention on my neck. I sighed, tipping my head back as his lips and tongue worked together against my throat, sucking and teasing me.

"Quiero que regreses a Puerto Rico conmigo," he mumbled against my neck, making me freeze. "We can assemble everything else there and then figure out what to do with the joining empires."

(I want you to come back to Puerto Rico with me.)

"What the fuck, Gabriel?" I asked, pushing away from him. "Do you honestly think that I'm just going to go Puerto Rico now that we've fucked?"

"You're funny," he said with no humour in his tone. "This was the plan before, for your information. The sex was just a bonus."

I rolled my eyes with a scoff, rolling the sleeves up. I was about to leave the room but Gabriel pulled me back, spinning me around and pushing me against the wall.

"You love pushing me against walls, don't you?" I said, resting my head against the wall.

"Yup," he agreed, moving one of his hands to my hips while the other went to my neck. "Now, if you could please shut up and stop thinking so negatively of me then I will gladly speak to you nicely."

I huffed but stayed silent, knowing better than to push Gabriel's buttons. Despite the fact that he was a cocky son of a bitch, he was good at what he did. That was something I didn't want to mess with unless I was ready.

They called him the King of Death for reason, I guess. But he never had to deal with me before... the only problem was that there was nothing more that Gabriel Díaz enjoyed than a challenge - and I was his newest one.

"I'm going to rephrase myself," he said, his eyes burning through mine. "I need you to come back to Puerto Rico with me - for business purposes. I have some business partners that want to go over the deal our families made with this marriage before even thinking to agree to the alliance with you and your men - especially considering you have had a dirty past with some of them."

His Princesa - 18+ | Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now