C H A P T E R • 19

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(guys I'm not dead, I swear)
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I winced as I raised my legs off of the bed, swinging them over the edge so that I could sit up. Gabriel slept beside me, one of his arms hiding his eyes while his second hand held mine. My eyes wandered over to his chest, then to the small patch under his collarbone. I rubbed it and slowly lifted it, grinning widely when I saw that it was, in fact, my name written in cursive.

"You're not supposed to look at that, princesa," he rasped out, his eyes not open. He grabbed my wrist and kissed my palm, eventually opening his eyes. He leaned up and pressed our lips together, making me smile and turn onto his lap.

"I like it," I murmured, pecking his lips before getting up. He pulled me back down and I glanced at him, raising an eyebrow. "What?"

"Where are you going?" He muttered, then he paused. "I want to take you out tonight after the meeting."

I hummed, grinning. "I bet you do, handsome. However, usually your version of taking me out for dinner ends up with me being bent over a table."

Gabriel smirked and lifted his head up for another kiss. When he pulled away, his eyes looked over my face. "You know me so well."

I rolled my eyes, pushing him down so he was lying down. Gabriel stared up at me and he licked his lips, running a hand up my nude body.

"We only have a week left here," he commented, closing his eyes when I traced the tattoos on his chest. "What do you plan on doing when we get back?"

I shrugged my shoulders, lying on his chest. "Probably convert my place to another warehouse," I answered. "I could use the room, plus it's big enough if I remove all the kitchens and shit like that."

Gabriel hummed, tracing my spine. "Why would you do that? I thought you loved that house?"

"Well, I do," I mumbled, feeling my cheeks beginning to warm up. "But I feel like it could be more use for my weapons and product with how high the security is there. And I was thinking that maybe... if it's fine by you, that is, I'm not expecting you to say yes but..."

Gabriel's husky chuckle filled my ears and I grunted, keeping my head on his chest.

"It's me you're talking to, princesa," he reminded me. "What is it?"

"It's stupid," I muttered, covering my face in his hands. "I-I was just thinking that I could go back home with you... to your house. You know, where you live?"

Gabriel smirked against my neck, pressing a soft kiss to my skin. "So, what you're saying is that you want to move in."

I shrugged stupidly, grunting. Gabriel chuckled softly and pressed our lips together while smiling. I relaxed myself, moving one of my hands to his hair and tugging on the brown locks.

"I'm glad you asked," he mumbled, biting my bottom lip and pulling on it. "Fuck, yeah, you can. We can grab your things when we get back. You're sure, right? You actually want to? Not just because of the entire contract?"

I nodded my head with a smile growing on my face, feeling it grow twice its size when Gabriel sported one on his face.

"You've gone soft on me, Kingsley," he murmured, pressing our foreheads together.

His Princesa - 18+ | Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now