C H A P T E R • 11

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"Cut my finger off, I dare you."

"For real?"

"Yes. I dare you to cut my finger off."

"You're an idiot, Vanessa."

"Says you. At least I know how to crack an egg open without spilling the yolk."

"It was one egg, woman. How does that make me an idiot?"

"One wasted egg, man. If you can't crack an egg open perfectly even once then you're stupid."

"Why do you even care about the stupid eggs? You don't buy the groceries."

"But I eat the groceries, and I could have used that egg for something delicious."

Gabriel rolled his eyes, watching as I put the egg on top of the toasted English muffin. He passed me the bacon we made earlier, continuing to watch as I put them on the egg before adding the shredded cheddar cheese. Once I put the other English muffin on top, I showed it in front of him.

"See?" I murmured. "It's not that hard. You try."

Gabriel grunted, glaring at my sandwich before trying the same with his deformed egg. He put it on and breathed out with relief, adding the bacon and cheese. I grinned as he showed his lopsided sandwich, taking a bite of it and sighing to himself.

"This is good," he mumbled, looking at me. "Can we fuck now?"

"And lose the challenge?" I said, snorting. "No. I'm winning this thing."

"Sure," he muttered just as his phone went off. "Fucking hate this challenge. Anyway, time to get ready. Eat your sandwich and let's go."

I glared at him, slowly taking a bite as he helped me walking through the giant house. I was still having troubles trying to memorize the place so I made sure to remember each turn from my room to the kitchen. Once we were in his bedroom, I finished eating my sandwich and began to make my way to the connected washroom.

"You have two hours to have a shower, dry up and get ready, okay?" Gabriel said, grabbing me a towel and a pair of thongs for me to change into once I was finished the shower.

"Just don't rush me while I get ready," I said to him, running a hand up his shirt. "You sure you don't want to join me?"

"As tempting as it sounds," he said lowly, hissing when I pinched his nipple gently, "I really want to win this challenge."

I stared up at him through my lashes and he bit his lip before giving me a deep kiss. I moaned immediately. I was desperate for his touch but I wanted to win this challenge and being anywhere near him wasn't going to help me. His presence alone affected me so I had to find a way to have the advantage.

My hands wound through his hair and he let out a raspy moan, holding my ass in his large hands and pulling me closer to his body.

"You positive?" I murmured, my eyes hooded as I kept my hand up his shirt, rolling his nipple in small, lazy circles. "We can always compromise?"

His Princesa - 18+ | Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now