C H A P T E R • 15

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"That son of a bitch should have been killed the second I left that place," I spoke into the phone next to my ear as I paced inside Gabriel's office. "Was it painful?"

"Very." My father chuckled when I let out a snort. "Enzo was probably the worst on him. How's Puerto Rico treating you? You're not sun-burnt?"

I rolled my eyes with a smile, sitting in Gabriel's office chair while casually going through his folders.

"I don't burn, Daddy," I reminded him, opening one of the folders and reading through it out of boredom. "How's Mother?"

"Her normal demanding self." He chuckled again. "Don't be too hard on her, okay? You know how she is."

"Yeah, yeah," I muttered, skimming through information about my company. My eyes stopped the second I saw something I never really read through; it was the contract that joined mine and Gabriel's companies through the marriage.

"She loves you, Mija, you know that," Daddy said as I read the contract, my eyes growing wide as I read.

Gabriel signed a contract that he would be taking over half of my company? And at the bottom of the page was my father's signature.

What the hell!

Did I look like some trophy to everyone? Why was everybody always buying me and my company off of each other! A shiver of disgust went through me and my hands went to my hair, tugging at it before I grabbed my phone and hung up, silencing my phone.

I didn't want to talk to him anymore.

That fucking bastard thought that he could just hide the fact that he bought half of my company — and that included me! I wasn't a piece of fucking property!

"GABRIEL DÍAZ!" I screamed, walking out of the room with the contract in my hand. I was fuming with rage, my hands trembling.

We made eye contact and he stared at me in confusion, watching as I stomped down the stairs and headed straight for him.

"Hey," he said slowly, "is something wrong—"

I raised my hand, slapping him as hard as I could.

"You fucking liar!" I screamed, shoving him away from me. "All of that shit you said for nothing! I actually believed you but you were just buttering me up for when you had to tell me!"

I shoved him harder. Gabriel grabbed me as I kept pushing him back, pulling me to his chest and holding my wrists.

"What the fuck are you talking about, Vanessa?" He asked, looking over my furious expressions. "Tell you what?"

"YOU BOUGHT ME OFF MY FATHER, YOU FUCKER!!" I screamed out, shoving the wrinkled contract to his chest. "YOU BUTTERED ME UP SO I WOULDN'T BE MAD WHEN YOU HAD TO TELL ME!"

Gabriel opened his mouth to say something but slowly closed it, making me pull myself away from him while looking away. He wasn't even denying it...

"You're no different than any other fucking asshole in this business," I snapped, my eyes filling with angry tears. "I was this close" — I held my fingers closely together — "to putting down my walls — for you! But you just proved exactly why I can't trust anybody, not even the asshole I'm supposed to call my husband!"

His Princesa - 18+ | Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now