C H A P T E R • 17

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I felt Gabriel watching me as I slipped my new pair of thongs up my legs, raising my eyes in surprise at how silky and soft they felt. Gabriel decided to take me out quickly to buy some new bras and underwear — he considered it his apology present even though I moved on quite quickly with his participation in the entire situation — and a few new dresses, as well.

"There's a..." Gabriel cleared his throat when it came out hoarse. "There's a, uhm... a bra in the... the bag."

I smirked, walking to the bed and grabbing the matching dark purple strapless bra. I slipped it on and moved my hands to clasp it together but Gabriel got to it first, moving my hair away from my back and clipping it. I thanked him softly, feeling him kiss my shoulder before grabbing the white dress I chose. It was beautiful, exposing my shoulders and collarbones while the sleeves trailed down my arms and covered half of my hand; whereas the neckline of the dress showed a small portion of my cleavage, the hem of the dress an inch or two above my knees.

"This..." Gabriel said, biting his lip as he looked over the dress through the mirror we stood in front of, "this is beautiful — you are beautiful."

I grinned at the compliment, smacking his hands away when they crept to my hips. Gabriel grunted but obliged to my silent command, shoving his hands in his pockets while continuing to stare.

I pursed my lips and used my fingers to put a bit more volume to my dark hair, touching up my simple eye makeup and red lips before looking at Gabriel through the mirror, raising my eyebrow.

"I get that I'm incredibly attractive but you're not doing a very good job with hiding your boner, babe," I commented, watching in amusement as Gabriel looked down at it with a scowl. "It's just a dress. How the hell can you get hard just standing there?"

"Just because I'm standing here doesn't mean I can't imagine anything," he rasped out, making my eyes roll. "Don't roll your eyes at me, young lady."

"Yes, sir," I sarcastically muttered with another eye-roll, making Gabriel glare at me. "I just want to get this stupid dinner over with so we can go back to sleeping."

He hummed, sitting on the bed with his arms resting behind him for support. "That sounds nice right about now."

I turned around to face him, finding his eyes closed. I sat on his knees and Gabriel slowly opened his eyes again. I frowned at the bags under them, rubbing them with my thumbs.

"Tomorrow, I want you to rest all day, alright?" I murmured, watching his eyebrows raise in surprise. "I'll go to any meetings you have, finish any paperwork from today and yesterday that you need done... you staying up all hours of the night isn't healthy for you."

Gabriel sighed and opened his mouth to say something but I glared at him. Smartly, he closed his mouth again.

"Yes, ma'am," he finally obliged, a smile tugging at his lips. "I've been doing this for fifteen years, princesa. I'm used to the lack of sleep."

"I don't care how long you've been doing this," I argued sharply. "You are going to rest tomorrow, alright? I'll get someone to make you food and—"

"You make me food," he suggested, tiredly looking at me. "I like your cooking."

I softly smiled, pushing a stray lock of hair that fell out of its gelled look away. I moved my hand to Gabriel's cheek and he sighed softly, leaning into it while closing his eyes again.

His Princesa - 18+ | Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now