C H A P T E R • 25

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"Any sign of him?" Gabriel asked Carter as he typed on his laptop, whistling a tune to himself before grabbing a slice of pizza. "'Cause I need some sort of trace of where the hell this bastard could possibly be and don't need you fucking up."

I tried to concentrate on what they were talking about but it was difficult when my asshole of a brother was being a dickhead about his situation with what I would say the only girl who's been able to keep his ass in his place.

We've been trying to look for that Russian, Azazel, for the last week. Nothing has come up but places he visited days or weeks ago. It was getting frustrating being a step behind him every time we found something but today felt like the day where we would find something.

"Yeah, yeah," Carter muttered with an eye-roll. "You want me to leave this to you, smart-ass? No? Alright, shut your mouth and sit your ass down."

Gabriel glared at him before laying back, resting his head on the couch. I began to pace the floor not too long after, shouting at my idiot brother in Spanish as I walked into the kitchen. When I turned around, I could see the two chuckling before Dante snapped back at me.

"Do you want me to speak English so your slow-ass brain can understand what I'm saying?" I snapped.

"Back the hell off, Vanessa," Dante snapped. "If you aren't gonna be any help then I'm telling you to stay out of it."

"No, I'm telling you, you fucking dick-hole!" I shouted, giving Carter a quick hug as a greeting before turning around when I almost forgot my plate of food. "Get your shit together, Dante, and I mean it!"

"This is your fault, you know," he told me. "If you didn't fucking tell me to talk to her instead of leaving her the hell alone."

"What!" I exclaimed. "No, it isn't my fault because you fucked up after I gave you advice!"

I sat next to Gabriel, running a hand through my hair while groaning in annoyance.

"No, Dante — you know what, you're like a little innocent annoying ass puppy. She's telling you that she has feelings for you and when she tries coming closer you run away! But the second you see her walking away you run to her like nothing happened! God, you and Lorenzo are the exact same when it comes to relationships."

I pulled the phone away from my ear and gave Gabriel a quick kiss to the lips, then another longer one. Gabriel hummed and bit my bottom lip teasingly before pulling away for me to finish my call.

"No, did you hear that seven-second silence?" I asked into the phone. "That was me not caring about the conversation anymore. I gave you my input on the situation and if you won't take it then suck your own dick because Kyra obviously won't with your attitude!"

I hung up the phone and threw it on the couch, rolling my eyes to myself. I swear to God, sometimes the men in my family didn't think before speaking or acting. All they did was think with their dicks and it's that reason why my brothers are still single after twenty-eight years. As for my father, he did almost anything my mother wanted because even if he was to be screaming at her from the top of his lungs, he still loves her and is still head-over-heels for her whether or not he shows it.

"You tell him," Carter said, smirking to himself before continuing to type. "How you holding up, Mrs. Díaz?"

"Tired of my brothers' shit — both of them," I muttered, eating a forkful of food. "How's the girlfriend, Carter? This one for sure this time?"

His Princesa - 18+ | Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now