C H A P T E R • 1

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I slammed my book shut, a groan of annoyance falling from my lips as I heard another cry of protest come from the room downstairs I stood up, fixing my attire as I walked out of my office, heading down the hall where the sounds grew louder. My black heels fell against the wooden floor in loud clicks, the noise echoing off of the dark walls the further I continued through the hallway.

As I made my way throughout the large house, guards would respectfully nod my way or say a few words of respect, and I returned them with a firm nod. The only guard that I was looking for right now was going to be killed if he didn't do his job as I asked him to do, and if I got back in my office and the screams returned, he was going to have a bullet through his head.

I finally reached the door and heard another scream of pain, making a low growl leave my lips. All I asked for was some silence while I was figuring out the next date to ship the next cargo out so that my father wouldn't get worried about if my head is on the line or not but apparently the same guard who I told to listen to what I said several times earlier this week is having too much fun pissing me off.

"MATEO! What the hell did I tell you about the volume!" I yelled, opening the black iron door. Mateo sat on a stool, his back facing me as he whistled to himself. I pushed my eyebrows together. "What the hell are you doing, idiota? I told you two hours ago to shut him up!"

Mateo, who I had befriended my first year trying to figure everything out, turned around and slowly grinned.

"I knew you would start bitching about the volume so I knocked the fucker out," Mateo answered, looking behind his shoulder so his bearded face was showing. He smirked. "I'm drawing a unicorn."

"Dios, ten piedad de mi alma antes de que mate a este hombre," I sighed to myself, putting my hands to my temples and massaging them with my index and middle finger. "If he dies because you decided to have too much fun then I'm switching him with you."

(God, have mercy on my soul before I kill this man.)

Mateo chuckled, his shoulders shaking as he set the knife on the metal tray beside him. He stood up and turned himself around, his hands going to my shoulders and rubbing them. My glare softened and I sighed to myself.

"You could never," he told me cockily, "I'm your favourite man."

"Barely," I snorted but it turned into a chuckle when he planted a gentle kiss on my lips, moving his hands to my hips. "Six years and you're still as obnoxious as the day we met."

"The only difference between now and then is that now you'll actually let me kiss you without trying to cut my tongue out," Mateo mumbled, kissing my Cupid's bow. "I'm being careful with him, amore, don't worry about it."

"It's my job to worry about it," I muttered, pulling away and staring at the pale man who was cut up. I zoned in on his hands which were missing their middle fingers, and several of his toes were gone. "Did he piss you off?"

"He hasn't been cooperating," Mateo explained to me. "No matter what I say or do to him, the puto is keeping his mouth shut."

"If he doesn't start opening it doesn't tell me where the hell my last shipment went, he's going to be dealing with me," I said, my eyes raking over the man. "His cartel cost me thirty-five fucking million, Mateo. If I don't find out where it is then I'm going to start killing some bitches."

My head was pounding. Two weeks ago, one of the biggest shipments I had ever received was hijacked and stolen by the Italian cartel, who was my arch-nemesis. I began sneaking through their shipping routes and was so close to finding an answer to this disaster when my computer was hacked and shut off completely. Without the drugs they stole in my warehouse, my cartel was in a lot of shit.

His Princesa - 18+ | Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now