C H A P T E R • 20

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All I could hear was ringing. My body trembled and I refused to open my eyes, curled tightly in a ball while covering my face. I could hear a pained groan above me and they rolled off of me, coughing. My body remained frozen but my body and muscles burned.

I opened my eyes and slowly turned on my back, gasping at the pain that shot through my body. With a shaking hand, I pressed my rib and let out a pained cry, closing my eyes again and biting my lip. The ringing slowly stopped and was replaced with the faint sound of fire crackling, glass breaking around me. Around me was broken furniture and ashes from the explosion.

I sat up and cried out again, holding my side. I breathed in and out, gasping for air as I tried to stay calm from what just happened three minutes ago.

"Gabriel," I croaked out, turning my head to face him. I saw him holding his right side, blood seeping through his fingers while he tried to even out his shallow breaths. He released another pained groan and my eyes grew twice their original size. "Shit. Gabriel, get up."

I looked around the room of ash and debris, finding my duffle bag near the bedroom door. Using the strength in my arms, I crawled to it, opening it the second I was within arms reach from it.

"Stay awake for me, baby," I called out, grabbing one of my shirts and crawling back to him with difficulty. Once I was beside him, I ripped the shirt and wrapped it around his torso, hearing his gasp when it pressed into his wound.

"Hey, don't close your eyes on me," I said as his eyes fluttered. "You're going to be fine, I just need you to stay awake. Please, just stay awake."

Gabriel didn't say anything but I could see him struggling to keep his eyes open, his bloody hand grabbing mine and holding onto it.

"You're an idiot," I choked out, seeing the small smile grow on his lips.

"Th-That's the thanks I get for being your human shield?" He said in a low voice, wincing right after. His breathing was slowing down but he still struggled for consciousness, running his thumb over my knuckles.

If this was his way of comforting me then it wasn't working.

"I didn't want you to be my human shield — look at the outcome," I told him, biting my lip. "Just don't die on me, Gabe. Please."

Right on cue, a group of paramedic stormed into the room with stretchers. Immediately, they went for me and Gabriel and I watched as they, with much difficulty, got him on the stretcher, putting a mask over his face.

"Don't touch me," I said. "He needs more help."

"Ms. Kingsley, you're going to have to get on the stretcher," one of them told me softly, helping me on it. Hesitantly, I laid down slowly.

"Don't let him die," I pleaded with watering eyes. "Please, don't let my husband die."

"We're going to do everything we can to make sure that's the last thing that happens," she told me, putting a mask over my mouth and nose. "But right now you need to focus on staying awake, okay?"

I nodded and looked beside me, watching just before the paramedics ran out with Gabriel on the stretcher. I followed after, my eyes fluttering. My body was sore and tired and all I remember is the sound of a helicopter's propeller before blacking out.

His Princesa - 18+ | Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now