C H A P T E R • 10

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"I don't even know why the fuck I agreed to this," I growled out, hearing Gabriel's hum of dismissal, followed by a smack to my ass. "Gabriel Díaz."

"Yes, Vanessa Díaz?" He mused back, guiding me from the giant parking lot to a giant black Jeep Wrangler.

"That's not my last name, idiota," I muttered.

He smacked me hard on the ass and I yelped, rubbing my right buttcheek while glaring at hard as I could at him.

"It's not your last name yet." I felt him press a gentle kiss to my jaw and my irritation towards him had almost completely vanished, the smallest of smiles pulling at my lips before I sighed and leaned back against his chest. I could practically feel the smugness on his face as he let out the smallest of hums, chuckling right after.

"You're annoying," I said.

"I'm not annoying, you just get annoyed by the smallest of things." He kissed just behind my ear this time before he pulled away and helped me into the Jeep.

"Nope," I argued, "you're just annoying."

He huffed but still gave my lips a chaste kiss before walking around to the driver's seat.

"Do we have anything to do today or am I allowed to take my first day off?" I mumbled, closing my eyes as he turned the car on.

I barely got any sleep because despite the restless sleep I had gotten before waking up on the plane, Gabriel had given me no time to sleep before he had a hand down my panties or his head between my legs...

Not that I was complaining.

"Our first meeting is at nine tonight, unfortunately," Gabriel replied, one of his arms going around my seat. "You have most of the day off, though."

I sighed, keeping my eyes shut.

"Please tell me there will be more women there," I tiredly spoke.

Gabriel snorted. "Half of those men are sexist pricks that think that women should be nothing more than things of sex and reproduction."

My nails dig into my palms and I opened my eyes, already finding his eyes on me.

"And the other half?"

"They're decent, I guess," Gabriel told me, shrugging. "They just use women, though."

I paused, glancing down at my hands. "Didn't you?"

Immediately, I saw his eyes grow hard and cold, narrowing into a glare at me. "I don't work like that, Vanessa. I would never hurt a woman in any way — physically or mentally."

I opened my mouth to say something but he interrupted me. "Is that how you see me?"

I felt my eyebrows push together. "I don't know enough about you to see anything else. I only know so much because you're so closed off and gated. So yes, I'm sorry but that's how I see you."

Gabriel glanced at me before turning his full attention back to the road, his body tense and his hands tightly around the steering wheel. I sighed, looking out of the window as we drove.

His Princesa - 18+ | Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now