C H A P T E R • 21

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"So, tell me," I said, sharpening my knife while raising an unimpressed brow, "why the hell you would be stupid enough to betray me? Has no one told you that it's never a good idea to piss off an insane bitch?"

Sam didn't respond, her body hanging low. Her arms were chained above her body, her legs doing nothing to hold her up. However, she found enough strength to spit a patch of blood in front of my shoes.

"You're lucky that didn't land on these shoes or I would have taken an eye out," I said just as the door opened to reveal one of my personal guards, Silvio.

"Please tell me why you need a hot rod," he said with a raised eyebrow, then looked at the bitch hanging from the ceiling. "Oh. Never mind. How ya doin', Sammy?"

Sam glared at him in response and Silvio chuckled, looking down at me next.

"Any updates on Gabriel?" I asked quietly, grabbing the white-hot rod with one of my protected hands. "Has he woken up yet?"

"No," he said, sighing. "Still unconscious."

I looked out of the open door, biting my lip.

"It's been two weeks," I whispered. "What have the doctors said?"

"They said he's a lot more stable but there is no exact time of when he'll wake up," he explained, which brought a laugh from the woman behind me. I grabbed my pistol and shot without looking behind me, hearing her scream out in pain.

"Lucky shot," Silvio said as I turned around, seeing the blood leave Sam's leg in a rush.

"I know where I was aiming," I muttered, lifting the iron rod in my hand and pressing it through her thin shirt, smirking at the screams that fell from her lips when the rod touched her stomach. "You're lucky I didn't aim for your head, bitch."

I pulled it back and turned to Silvio, who leaned against the wall with a raised eyebrow. Smiling, I put my gun down and then looked at Sam.

"Now, let's start from the beginning, shall we?" I said, moving back to my table of tools and picking at random. "Why'd you do it? What was in it for you?"

"I-I didn't have a choice, Vanessa!" She let out, obviously beginning to freak out. The bitch knew she was going to die and was suddenly switching sides — cute. "He had my fiancée being tortured every second of the day! I-I just wanted to save her!"

"Yeah and now my fiancé is paying for it!" I snapped back, bringing the tip of my knife to her throat. "I could have helped you get your stupid girlfriend back but you decided that betraying my trust was the better idea! Your own best friend!"

"I'm sorry!" She yelled, screaming out when I slashed at her leg next.

"You laughed at the fact that Gabriel could never wake up," I said, wrapping a hand around her throat and putting so much pressure on it that she turned purple. "You messed with my fucking husband, Samantha — my family. I'm not going to take the risk again because I'm letting a betraying bitch go. I won't feel any better until he and all of the people helping the bastard are fucking dead."

She whimpered, biting her lips to stop them from wobbling. I almost felt bad.


His Princesa - 18+ | Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now