C H A P T E R • 3

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"Fiancée?" Mateo repeated, looking back at me before pulling his attention to Gabriel. "What the hell are you talking about? Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?"

"Her fiancé," Gabriel snapped back, taking a threatening step towards him. "Now back the fuck up."

Mateo let go of me and I huffed in realization of what was going to happen next.

"I don't know who the fuck you think you are but you are not getting married to Vanessa," Mateo said. "So, I would suggest leaving before I beat your fucking-"

"While you two are trying to assert your dominance over me," I interrupted harshly, glaring at the two immature men in front of me, "I'm going to be in my bedroom."

I heard Gabriel snort and I narrowed my eyes at him. I couldn't even look at him. God, this was humiliating. The guy I had the best sex ever with six years ago is my fiancé, and the guy I've been fucking now knows.

"Vanessa, we need to talk about this," Mateo said once he was close enough to me.

"I already have enough on my plate, Mateo," I muttered, making my way to the staircase. "The last thing I need is to talk about this."

I walked up the stairs, my eyes feeling heavy, and I went straight to my bedroom. I fell face-first into my bed, closing my eyes immediately. The door opened a second later and I groaned loudly, turning around.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked Gabriel as he closed the door with one foot, locked it, and then walked towards me. "Why the fuck are you even here?"

"Your mother gave me the coordinates here," Gabriel explained, taking a seat on my butt. "I thought you would have told boy toy already."

"I was doing just that until you uninvitedly barged into my house," I grumbled into the pillow. "Why are you even here?"

"Me? Oh, I thought we could fuck. You know, you kind of owe it to me after cheating on me with - what's his name? Matty?"

"Mateo," I snapped. "You've probably been doing the same so you aren't innocent."

"I will not deny those facts." I could feel his breath against my neck and I bit into the pillow. "Come on, princesa. Don't tell me you didn't love it when I was fucking you over the pool table all those years ago. Or when I had you pressed against the wall, fucking you from behind."

I turned my head to the side and he moved one of his hands to my neck, adding pressure to keep it pressed to the pillow.

"Don't tell me that you haven't once thought of how good I made you feel," he whispered close to my ear, his lips barely touching my neck as he spoke. "Does that Mateo make you feel as good?"

"It was six years ago, Gabriel," I mumbled, biting down on my lip. "I barely remember it."

I was lying. He was only the first guy I had had sex with at the time but it was probably the best I have had. Of course he knew I remembered it because if he was clearing still thinking about it (power of the pussy is truly amazing) but I wasn't going to admit it to him.

"No me mientas, nena," he muttered and got off of me, only to flip me around onto my back and get a firm hold of my neck. My eyes widened but he only responded with a smirk, parting my legs and pressing the area between them with his knee.

His Princesa - 18+ | Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now