C H A P T E R • 8

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I played with the fork in front of me, stupidly nodding to anything my father talked about. Gabriel was having a conversation with one of the sons of my father's friends, his thumb drawing circles into my thigh. Whenever he found it beginning to bounce, he gave it a gentle squeeze before moving his hand around my shoulder.

"You okay?" He murmured into my ear, his hand tightening around my thigh as he turned his attention away from his conversation. "Bored?"

I nodded, still playing with the silverware. "It's always boring at these stupid events."

"It only goes on for another hour or so, okay?"

I turned my head to look at Gabriel, my eyes hardening into a glare when his hand began to slowly rubbing my inner thigh. I could see the way his lips curled into a small smirk, giving my thigh a squeeze.

"I'm going to the washroom," I said dismissively, getting ready to stand up. Gabriel stopped me before I could move, however, which caused me to look at his grip on my arm and then him. "What?"

"I'm coming with you," he mumbled before pulling me closer so only I could hear him. "Some bastard has been staring at you since you got here and I don't trust his rotten ass."

My chest began to tighten and I looked away from him, standing up. Some people looked my way but didn't pay much attention before continuing their conversation.

"I'll be back in a few minutes," I assured him, watching as his eyes openly travelled down my body. "I can take care of myself, okay? I'll be fine."

I turned around but Gabriel grabbed my wrist gently, pulling me back to him. I raised an eyebrow when we made eye contact and he smirked, tapping his lips twice with his forefinger. I rolled my eyes and turned around again but Gabriel only tightened his grip.

"Gimme a kiss," he grumbled childishly.

I bit my lip to stop a smile that wanted to grow into my face. I shook my head and Gabriel pulled me down to his height, pressing out lips as one.

The fact that he had the nerve to do it in front of my father and two brothers meant he was looking for his death wish.

I moved my hand to the back of his head and gently bit his bottom lip, pulling away once I kissed it.

"You're like a needy child," I joked, feeling him grin against my lips before he pulled away.

"Come back before your father murders my ass," he murmured, receiving a small chuckle from me.

I turned around and left for the washroom, making sure my hand was close to my blade as I walked. Once I found the washroom, I sighed and began to make my way to the door.  I opened it and just as I stepped in and closed the door, a hand went over my mouth while the other one held my wrists against the small of my back.

"You honestly fucking thought that you could get away with it?" A menacing voice snarled into my ear.

My body froze at the sound of their voice.


"I did absolutely everything for you but like a little slut, you went to that fucking Gabriel bitch." His hand went to my throat and tightened it until I couldn't breathe. "We could have been happy without that fucker. So you like it rough? I'll fucking give it to you rough."

His Princesa - 18+ | Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now