C H A P T E R • 26

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"This isn't how I imagined to ever get married," Vanessa tiredly mumbled to me, her head resting on my chest while her legs were wrapped around my waist. I stayed seated in my office chair, rubbing her back while going through the contract for it.

"I know, princesa," I said with a chuckle, "but this is the most we can do since it's too risky for us to go out."

"Yeah, yeah," she muttered, resting her head in the crook of my neck and sighing slowly.
"I just wish it could have gone better than this."

I frowned, silently agreeing with her before signing it. I knew that being married off by a contract was the worst way to go at it, but no one was offering to come marry us off, and Vanessa wouldn't stop pestering me about the marriage—not that I was complaining.

The moment she heard the pen leave the paper, Vanessa lazily scribbled her signature along the line before turning back to me, wrapping her legs around my waist.

"Alright, yippee, we're married," she whispered with a yawn, "can we go back to sleep now?"

I chuckled, kissing her forehead. She hummed, kissing my neck as I picked her up, carrying her to our bedroom. I pushed the door open and kissed her nose when she puckered her lips for me to kiss. I then pecked her lips, helping her into bed.

"I love you," she mumbled tiredly, leaning down to kiss my forehead as I stayed knelt in front of her, taking her jeans off. Her shirt followed and I smirked when she shifted, whining to herself.

"You're teasing," she muttered, pushing my forehead away when I took her socks off. I looked up at her, smiling at her whimpers as I did nothing but dress her for bed.

"I'm helping you,Vee," I told her, chuckling at her humourless laugh.

"This is why you aren't getting any of this ass tonight, Gabriel Díaz," she said angrily to me, making me chuckle again. "You and your fucking games."

I watched as she pulled my giant shirt over her body, looking down at her stomach and rubbing it slowly. I followed her hand's movement, feeling my chest tighten at the fact that our child was growing inside of her.

My child was growing inside of this beautiful woman (with the help of yours truly) and I felt like the luckiest bastard in the world for it.

Never did I think that this could happen to me; I was too feared by people to be loved and the people who did talk to me wanted me for my money or... well, my body. It came to the point where I was so used to it that it was all I expected from people anymore.

After meeting Vanessa, I knew she was it for me. The night when we first met face to face, I could tell that she would be an amazing leader, and by her sassy personality and wittiness I knew that, even if I didn't want to, I was going to fall for her.

Mateo was originally supposed to work as a bodyguard there to watch over her and make sure she didn't get hurt—which I highly doubted she would—but, slowly, the bastard stopped sending updates and when I finally called, he pretended he had no idea who I was. And then it caught on that he was sleeping with her. Even after telling the bastard that I was supposed to be marrying her, he started sleeping with her.

But from the looks of it in the end, he didn't do shit for her.

"You've been way too quiet for it to be okay, Gabe," Vanessa spoke up, snapping me out of my thoughts. "What's wrong?"

His Princesa - 18+ | Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now