C H A P T E R • 2

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Six years. Six years since I had last seen his face. Why did he look cockier every time I saw him? Gorgeous? Fuck, yes. But cocky? That was what made him less attractive.

But I remembered the last time I saw him perfectly. It was the night after my graduation and while everyone was eating dinner at the dining table, I had snuck off to Daddy's bar room to play some pool. As it turned out, Gabriel followed me, challenging me to a few rounds.

Long story short, he ended up bending me over the table and fucking me senseless... and then against the wall, then the floor. And the leather couch. When we went back to the room after taking somewhat minutes to get our looks ready, dinner was almost finished and dessert was being made.

"It's been awhile," he said, grabbing my hand and kissing it. I cleared my throat, pulling my hand back and putting my hands on my hips.

"It has," I shortly agreed, turning to my father. "Daddy, don't make me do it. I swear, I'm going to shoot myself in the head."

He smirked, his eyes flickering to Gabriel. He pulled me to his chest, his arms on my shoulders.

"The only person I'm going to let you shoot is that bastard if he lays a finger on you," he muttered, making me chuckle. Daddy pulled away after kissing the top of my head. "I'll leave you two to talk. Behave, Vanessa."

I rolled my eyes, watching as he left. Silence. I looked at Gabriel to find him scanning me from top to bottom again.

"You better not try to stab me again, princesa," he said with a smirk, leaning against the closed door. "How have you been? I hear you have a boy toy now."

"That's none of your concern," I told him, glaring at him before grabbing the contract Daddy left on his desk.

"It is when that boy toy is with my future wife." I cringed, keeping my eyes on the paper. "But besides him, of course, what have you been doing?"

"Good," I shortly answered, keeping my eyes on the paper as I read everything over for the third time, then he fourth. "If I burn this, does the contract still stand?"

"Yes, because your mother made sure to give me several copies in case you did try to destroy the original. Even now, that's just another copy."

My mouth fell open in shock and Gabriel walked towards me, sitting on the desk. "You're joking."

"Nope." Gabriel smirked. "It's simply business, princesa."

"Business, my ass," I snapped. "Is that what it's really about?"

"What else could it be about?" He retorted with a raised eyebrow, an irritated gruff coming from him when I walked passed him.

I went to open the door but the second I opened it, one of his hands slammed it closed again and he put pressure on it so I could open it again. I glared at him but his face was solemn, emotionless.

"Listen, Vee, this entire marriage shit is as difficult for me as it is for me," he said, making me scoff, "but it's business."

"How old were you when you signed yourself off to marry me? Because I was fourteen."

Gabriel was silent, leaning against the door. He crossed his arms and looked down at me. I hated how he was taller than me even when I was wearing heels.

"Twenty-two," he finally answered. "Your mother wanted you married the second you turned eighteen but yours truly told her to wait a few years before she even thought of planning anything. You're welcome."

His Princesa - 18+ | Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now