C H A P T E R • 28

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I watched Vanessa spit the blood out of her mouth, cringing before she shook her head and began to vigorously wipe her tongue. I raised an eyebrow, watching her freak out over the human blood that had touched her lips before walking over to her, grabbing a handkerchief from my pocket to carefully remove the blood from her face.

"You couldn't have shot any lower?" She muttered to me, glaring at me as I slowly started to smirk at how dramatic she was. "Like his leg or something?"

"The only thing that I had a clear shot of without hurting you was his head, baby," I simply responded. "Unless you're telling me that you wouldn't have minded me shooting through your own leg to get to his?"

Vanessa grunted and looked away from me, making me chuckle and grab her purse from Azazel's corpse. I nudged the corpse away and took her lipstick from the bag, fixing Vanessa's lipstick for her while Silvio got the guards to clean up the mess. Vanessa rubbed her red lips together and hummed, fixing her hair before rubbing her stomach.

"Be lucky that you don't have to see the brains exploded on the ground, little bean," she cooed, making me chuckle and clear the blood from her face. "You know, you have some pretty bad-ass parents, even though daddy's a big suck-up when it comes to making mommy happy." She looked up at me, grinning. "Isn't that right, daddy?"

"I love how unfazed you are with the fact that you were almost killed by him," I said, wrapping my arms around her and cupping her round ass in my hands. "Crazy ass."

Vanessa grinned up at me and tilted her head up, kissing my lips gently. I hummed, pulling her closer as I returned her kiss. She moved a hand up to my hair and held it, gasping when my hand snuck to the back of her thigh, very close to where her dress ended.

"I know what you're trying to do, you horny bastard," she breathed out, smiling when I groaned in annoyance. "The first thing on your mind after killing the man is really gonna be sex?"

"Sex is always the first thing on my mind when I'm around you," I defended, pecking her lips before grabbing her left hand. I kissed her ring, grinning when Vanessa rolled her eyes at me. I wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her, hearing the soft moan that came from her. "I love you."

That made Vanessa smile as she returned my kiss, then kissed the corner of my lips. "I love you, too. Now, can we go home? I'm hungry and need at least thirty hours of sleep."

I chuckled, kissing her forehead before guiding her back to the stairs.

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"Home, sweet home," Vanessa exclaimed, kissing my cheek as I helped her out of the car. "It's been a crazy week, Gabe, don't you—Silvio, don't forget the shoeboxes."

I glanced behind my shoulder and saw Silvio calling four other security guards over, the four of them working together to grab the shopping bags and shoeboxes from the trunk. I shook my head, chuckling to myself before I escorted her inside.

"Do you really need all of those clothes, princesa?" I asked her.

"Different outfit for a different day," she responded. "I mean, I don't plan on shopping anymore until little bean's closer to their due date."

His Princesa - 18+ | Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now