• D E S C R I P T I O N •

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Vanessa Kingsley knew her parents weren't able to give her a normal life, but when she found out on one of the biggest nights of her life that she was to take over her father's position in his darker businesses, she can't help but feel a magnetic pull - like it was calling her.

And, of course, Vanessa accepted what her father was hoping she would do well in.

Six years later at 24, she runs one of the largest mafia groups in the world; apprentices look up to her power, citizens fear how easily she can kill with no remorse for the victim. She was nicknamed "Queen of Death" for it.

But someone else soon flies in: 32-year-old Gabriel Díaz, who is one of the most notorious Mafia Dons in the North American continent.

And apparently, he signed a contract several years that agreed to marry Vanessa to join the two foes together as one large team.

The only problem was how he was going to be able to make such a feisty, stubborn woman like Vanessa Kingsley submit to Gabriel's dominance, and how Vanessa was going to stop herself for falling for such an arrogant, cocky brute.

What happens when the King of Death meets his queen?

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So, there are quite a few things I must mention before you begin reading.

For those of you who are new to this book and not reading this book again, you need to know that this book is as ancient as my account—I started this account in 2017 and began this book in 2018.

It's old.

With that being said, you must know that I began writing this when I was very new to writing. There's barely a plot and—considering I was a raging, hormonal teenager—there are too many sex scenes for me to even consider reading through these chapters. I will be honest, I find it embarrassing...then again, I'm the author of the book and I've grown a LOT as a writer since 2018.

If these are things you're not really interested in reading (and I mean almost every chapter—like, what the hell kind of viagra was I snorting😭) then go ahead and read the rewritten, COMPLETE book, "Reina de la Muerte", which has much more of a plot than this one.

For those of you lovely readers who are re-reading "His Princesa"...respectfully, why are you still reading this?

Well, that's my rant about this book.
Until the next one!


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