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Sana's POV

Rain poured down my window. I drew some fast sketches on my notebook while my cat Luna was sleeping comfortably on my lap. I had no choice but to stay still as I didn't want to wake her up. Sigh, what you do for those you love.

Today is a very special day may I dare to say.

One year. Im one year sober today. If you came up to a year ago and told me how far i've come, i would've laughed at your face because I thought there was no way someone like me would achieve something. But yet, here I am, after a whole year , celebrating my achievement.

Ah! I haven't introduced myself!

My name is Sana Minatozaki. I am 23 years old. A blonde girl from Japan, but currently living in America, as I got a scholarship on one of the best colleges here. I live by myself, with my cat Luna, on cozy and very small apartment. My building is mostly inhabited as it is not the prettiest and it is also very old. But it is what I can afford. I am a night shift barista, but my one and true passion is art. Kinda cliché huh? Typical blonde girl with a cat, majoring on visual arts.

I have two best friends. Momo and Dahyun. I don't know if I would be here standing if it wasn't for them. I met Momo on my first day of college, 5 years ago. She just transferred from japan too, so we clicked pretty fast. A few weeks later I met her girlfriend Dahyun, with whom I have a strong connection. They both have been here for me, when I couldn't even get out of bed or face my own reflection in the mirror. They're also one of the reasons for my one year sober. But that's a story for another day.

I closed my notebook when Luna finally woke up and went somewhere else. I should do something for myself today, i thought. Maybe a cake would make this cloudy day better. So i got my car keys and drove to the nearest supermarket.

While driving, I thought some music would cheer me up. I connected my phone to my car and put my playlist on shuffle. Bad luck was on my side this day, "Put Your Head On My Shoulder" by Paul Anka started playing. Ah, my mother's favorite. I feel my hands tightening the steering wheel as I fight to hold my tears back.

Flashback - Six years ago

Friday Night. 10:00 pm

"Hey honey, are you busy?" My mother asked as she peaked her head through the door of my room.

"Yeah, Kind of Mama. I have this big test coming up, I really need to get my grades up if I want that scholarship" I said while typing on my computer, not even bothering on turning to see her. I felt her approach me as she put her hands on my shoulders.

"Well, your father and I wanted to invited you to dinner. But if you're to busy, we can go and you stay here, we'll bring you something, how does that sound huh?" She said while slightly squeezing my shoulders.

"That would be great mom, thanks for understanding" I felt how a smile was forming on her face, even if i wasn't facing her. She sat at the corner of my bed, next to my desk, where I was working. I felt like she was looking at me, but I didn't look back. "Sana look at me" she softly said.

I had no choice but to turn my chair so I can face her. She smiled warmly when our eyes met. "Im proud of you. Im proud of who you are. You really are the best part of my life and i'm so sure you'll get that scholarship, you can do everything". We both felt our eyes go teary. "Yah Mama!" I said trying not to cry. "Don't make me cry! i'm working!" I stayed silence for a moment and she chuckled "But thank you, I will make you proud, you will see my art on the biggest expositions, it will be everywhere. I promise" I said softly.

With that, she smiled from ear to ear, got up and kissed my forehead "We'll be back before you know it, don't overwork yourself, I love you" she said before leaving my room. Little did I know, those were the last words i'll ever hear from her.

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