𝙼𝚢 𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚗𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚋𝚘𝚛'𝚜 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚊 𝚑𝚘𝚝

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Sana's POV

I was just on the hallway of my building on my way to the apartment. I stopped to take a look at my watch.

"8:30 pm, seems like the perfect hour to bake a cake" I said to myself, giggling at my words.

But something caught my sight on my way. There was a brand new black carpet with Welcome white letters on it. "Huh, new neighbors" I said.

Maybe I should give them some cake to welcome them I thought, resuming my way to my apartment.



As soon as I heard the timer I had put on my phone, I knew the cake was ready. I took it out of the oven with my kitchen gloves trying not to burn myself. I was too excited to meet my new neighbors so I rushed the decorations on it, which by the way it looked like the shittiest cake on the world, and proceeded to slice a piece.

I tasted before putting it on a tupperware. You're fucking awesome Sana, this tastes bomb.

I took a look at my watch "10:00 pm, seems like the perfect hour to greet my new neighbors" I said smiling. I found my way to the apartment, which was at the end of the hallway. 4 other apartments separated the new neighbors from me.

I knocked three times and felt suddenly nervous.

Jihyo's POV

I was taking my pants off to put on my pajamas when I heard a knock on my door. I took a look at the hour.

"For fucks sake, who's knocking at my door this late at night?" I asked to myself while putting the shorts of my pajamas, which were really what they're called, short.

I rushed to the door. The second I opened my eyes widened, I felt like the would pop out of my head. It was her.

"Welcome to the buildi-" She said before realizing who I was. "Yah! Cute girl from the store! You're my new neighbor?" she half screamed, smiling brightly and giving tiny jumps. Cute.

"Blondie? Such a small world huh?" I said resting my body on the door frame, looking at her while crossing my arms. I saw her check me out from head to toe and back again. She bit her lip and I felt my cheeks hot.

"So...uh...watchu got there?" I snapped her out of her thoughts. She stumbled as she realized she was staring. Her eyes met mine again, where they should've stayed originally. This girl has no shame.

"Oh, I baked some cake to share with my new neighbor, which happens to be you" She smiled at me. My heart suddenly started rushing. Stop smiling at me blondie.

She extended the cake to me cutely, I couldn't help but smile at her cuteness and grabbed the cake. She was something else.

"Ah, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Minatozaki Sana, but you can call me tonight" She said jokingly. I have to admit that caught me off guard. I chocked and she smirked, she knew what she just did and she was happy she had that effect on me. There she goes, flirting with the most cliché phrases ever.

"And I'm gone" I said as I entered my apartment and closing the door on her face. My heart was going crazy and my cheeks were burning hot.

"Yah! At least give me your name if you're not gonna give me your number!" I heard her say. I rested my back on the door, sighing. Out of all the people in the world, she has to be my neighbor right?

"Im not leaving until you tell me your name" She said " I mean, I baked you a cake with all my love and came all the way here to kindly greet my new ne-"

"Jihyo" I cut her off.


"My name is Park Jihyo" I cleared my throat "and i'm straight"

"So it's spaghetti until-"

"Don't you dare to finish that sentence Sana, goodnight" I said, lifting myself up from the door.

"Alright alright i'll stop, Jihyo" she said, emphasizing my name "Goodnight sweetheart" I heard her walk away and let out the air I didn't know I was holding. I realized I still had her cake on my hands. The tupperware had a sticky note on it

Welcome! Feel free to return me to my owner whenever you want. Apartment 4E.

-Your friendly neighbor, Sana :)

I smiled at the note, she was so cute.

At least I have an excuse to see her

I shook my head at the thought. For fucks sake Jihyo, get yourself together. She's obviously getting onto your mind and you're letting her, go to sleep.

With that I left the cake on my fridge and finished putting on my pajamas before I fell into a deep sleep. What a long day.


Sana's POV

"You fucking smashed that Sana, great job" I said to myself while mentally high fiving. A sudden wave of happiness passed through me and I couldn't stop smiling on my way to my apartment.

"Jihyo, a cute name for a cute girl" I mumbled when entering through my door "That's also a cute name to moan" I said and bursted out laughing, I'm hilarious.

Suddenly, I remembered what she was wearing. I knew she caught me staring, and I also knew what effect that had on her. The way her cheeks turned so red gave it away.

But for real, she looked really good in those shorts, they were really...short. Her shirt looked great too on her, hell she would look amazing in everything. And don't get me talking about her b-

"Jesus Sana, stop thinking about your neighbor like that" I said to myself while scoffing.

I didn't bother to change, I fell on my bed smiling, falling into deep sleep. I dreamed of her that night. Let's just say, it was an interesting dream. This is going to be fun.

I hope I can see her again.

A/N: wow we love not-so-first encounters and a turned on Sana.
Sorry this chapter was rather short, I had to go early to bed ksksks.

Anyways, here's the love of my life.

I hope you keep reading! (or else)

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I hope you keep reading! (or else)

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