𝚑𝚊𝚑𝚊... 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚔𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐... 𝚞𝚗𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜?

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Jihyo's POV

It's been months since I've been receiving my classes online. I wasn't prepare to face the world yet.

But who was I kidding, I wasn't prepared to face her.

I didn't even know if she was attending college too, if she was still living in the same place, if she was healthy, safe.

Are you okay Sana? Where are you? How have you been?

"Get your ass up, i'm done seeing you here" Nayeon barged into my room which was the guest one before.

"What do you mean?" I said startled

"I'm done watching you sleep, eat, study and repeat" she said looking through my clothes on the closet "So both, Jeongyeon and I, have decided to take you out"

"Out? Like a dinner or something? it's like 7:00 pm" I said closing my laptop

"Out in like a party, dumbass" She faced me for two seconds before going back to my clothes "and oh my god you have nothing here, looks like my grandma's closet"

"A party? Like alcohol and people and really loud music?" I widened my eyes

"Well I don't know if there's other definition for party, Jihyo"

"I've never been to one before, I don't like them, so I won't go but have fun" I said crashing back into the bed

"Oh honey I wasn't asking, you're going" she said closing my closet and I sat on the bed


"I'll look through my closet and give you something. Take a shower, we're leaving in an hour" she said closing the door to my room

"shit" I whispered under my breath before falling back again onto my pillow

After having an internal argument with myself, I decided to get up and get ready

You know? Maybe it won't that bad, maybe it'll help me clear my mind from all the shit going on lately. I'm a grown ass woman who can go wherever she wants.

But who am I kidding, this is my first party ever. First one that includes alcohol at least. I'm screaming internally but I need to keep it cool.

I'll go out, have a couple of drinks, maybe dance (or maybe not) and go home safely.

Yeah, that's that, it will be fast and you'll get out of there before you know it. You got this Jihyo.

Sana's POV

It's been a living hell. College, I mean. I went back to my apartment after crashing with Momo and Dahyun for a couple of weeks. It was hard for them to let me go, but I've convinced them i'm okay. All I have to do is convince myself i'm okay too.

Going back to college was a nightmare, people whispering and rumors spreading fast. I almost got into a fight, luckily, Momo was there to stop me.

I'm sick of being seen as vulnerable, I feel naked and defenseless.

And I needed a drink. I haven't stopped drinking since that night. I wonder how was she copping. She wasn't at college anymore. Maybe she dropped out. Dropped out because of me? Was I really a threat? Was it really that deep?

Where are you Jihyo? Are you happy? Have you found someone else?

I dialed the first person I could ever think of on a Friday night when in need of a drink.

"Minatozaki Sana, the one and only. What made you grab your phone and dial your old pal? I thought you forgot about me" God, I missed this girl

"Oh cut the bullshit Lisa, you know I would never. How are you doing? Up for drinks?" I said laying on my couch playing with my hair with my free hand

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