𝚘𝚑 𝚜𝚑*𝚝...

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Sana's POV

I've been staring at my phone for hours now. With my pupils dilated and my mouth dry, I can't get the balls to text her first.

Why did I said I would? That was stupid. This whole thing is stupid. God Sana you can't be a whole day without doing something you regret after.

But it's now or never right? Maybe she's different to girls you've met before.

But why does it feel like we've met before?

Suddenly, my head started hurting as I tried to remember stuff from the past. The doctors say I shouldn't try so hard, or I may cause a migraine.


6 years ago - 1 month without Jihyo - 2:17 am

Third Person's POV

"Sana you need to stop drinking! You're going to kill yourself at this point!" Momo screamed, but her words sounded so far away to Sana's ears. Her mind was deep lost into the toxic and damaging substances she submitted to her body every night.

"Fuck you Momo!" Sana screamed, lifting her beer up like making a toast, spilling on the floor and on her clothes.

Sana found herself on Momo's bathroom, as she has been living there for a while after her painful experience with Jihyo. She was surrounded by empty cans of beer, vodka, some cheap wine and any other cheap liquor she could find. Her head was resting on the toilet, vomit on her shirt and some on the floor. Her eyelids were slowly dropping.

It stank of alcohol, her breath, her clothe. Basically her whole presence. This has been going on for weeks and both, Momo and Dahyun, were sick of it. Rehab was their only choice left.

"For fucks sake Sana! Open the door and let me clean you up! You're sick!" Momo screamed harder as her fists pounded the door, the side of them was turning red by the repetitively punches she had been giving for the past one and a half hour.

"I said leave me the fuck alone!" Sana attacked back. The girl wasn't getting any better. From her point of view, everything was turning black. In order words, she was passing out.

After a while of Momo's screams, and Dahyun crying concerned, Sana stopped answering. Momo felt like something wasn't right. Her mother instinct knew something's wasn't right.

After a while, she pushed the door until this busted out open, taking the frame of this one with it by Momo's force. The door was ruined but who cared honestly.

Momo's eyes scanned the bathroom, she saw Sana passed out on the floor. A bottle of wine on her hand, and a disaster on the rest of the place. Her face was wet from the tears, her hair was a mess and she looked very pale.

But there was something different. This wasn't like one of her typical pass-outs.

This time there was no movement.

No breathing.

No pulse.

"Dahyun! Call 911!" Momo screamed at the top of her lungs, tears started escaping her eyes. She had a huge knot on her throat.

"Come on Sana stay with me baby, it's going to be okay, stay with me" She whispered as her hands caressed the girl's hair. Momo's tears falling on Sana's cheeks.

"I can't lose you Sana, not you, not now, please" She whispered, her voice almost inaudible, holding tight onto the almost lifeless body.

Sirens filled the neighborhood, everyone knew an ambulance was approaching. Some neighbors even got out of their houses to witness.

𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙬𝙖𝙮 𝙏𝙤 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣 - 𝙎𝙖𝙝𝙮𝙤Where stories live. Discover now