𝚒𝚝'𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞, 𝚒𝚝'𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞

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Sana's POV

"I'm so sorry Sana. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry" she kept saying. It was hard to understand between her sobs, I couldn't understand what was happening. I couldn't understand what was she sorry for.

"Jihyo what's happening? What are you talking about?" I asked her, down on my knees with her on the floor, I caressed her hair on attempt to calm her down.

She kept sobbing, I pulled her close to my chest and she held onto my arms, sobbing so hard every time.

"I can't keep up Sana. I'm so sorry" she said. Tears formed in my eyes.

Is she leaving me? After everything that we've been through?

"Jihyo, what the hell is happening?" I asked her. The panic in my voice was obvious and my hands we shaking as I held her.

"Sana..." she lifted her head and made eye contact with me.

"We've met before"


Third Person's POV

Jihyo sobbed in Sana's arms as she repeated her last words, Sana had her sight lost on the view of the city.

"I know"


"I know we've met before, Jihyo"

Jihyo couldn't process exactly was Sana trying to say. What does she mean by saying she knows? Is she mistaken?


"Let's go somewhere private, okay?"

Sana took Jihyo's arms and helped her stand up, she took her wrist and started walking towards a little garden where the photoshoot was going to take place. Jihyo tried to cover her face from the people, her makeup was now a mess because of the crying.

Sana stopped and turned to Jihyo. The scenery was beautiful, flowers, trees, birds singing and the sun was starting to set. Truly the perfect scene for a couple to spend time. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Jihyo could hear her heart pounding in her ears and her hands shake.

Sana looked down at her feet, she took a deep breath, whilst Jihyo was almost having an anxiety attack, desperate for an answer.

"What do you mean Sana?" Jihyo tried her best to speak without the words getting trapped on her throat.

"Jihyo..." Sana took another deep breath. At this point, tears started streaming slowly down her face.

"Did you knew all this time?" Jihyo's voice was shaking.

Sana inhaled

"When you first arrived at the ice cream store, your perfume was familiar. Whenever I tried to remember, my head hurt. I just felt like i met you before, like i've seen you somewhere before. Since then, I knew we shared history together. The way my hand ran through your hair or my fingers caressed your cheek, the way your hand intertwined perfectly with mine. They way you looked at me, like you've loved me your entire life. It all made my head hurt.

With time I guess all the pieces just fell in place. And it was you Jihyo, it's always been you. I might not remember many things and I might not be the smartest person but I know damn well you are the love of my life. And after all these years, and if i had to die and reincarnate, and if i had the chance to go back and change things, I'd still choose you.

Because I love you, Jihyo. God, I love you. And maybe we found our forever at the wrong time at the wrong place, but we're here now and nothing else matters anymore, you got me and I got you. I'm never letting you go.

And yes I would be lying if I told you that I wasn't scared to my core of the thought that this day would come, or that everything we have built would just fall upon our feet like it's nothing. But i'm willing to go through everything with you. People spend years looking for what I found in you. You gave me a reason to get up every morning, a reason to keep fighting all of my fears. I'm not really sure if there's a god out there but I'm sure someone or something put you in my life to save me.

I remember what happened back then and I'm sorry Jihyo. I was an asshole, I made decisions i'm not proud of. But I promised I can make you the happiest, I promise I can try to be half of what you deserve. We can start over like it's the first day of our lives."


Sana was breathing rapidly, her heart felt like it was on her throat, tears rolling down her cheeks, falling from her chin.

All Jihyo could do was look at her.

And she kissed her.

Because words could never be enough.

She kissed her until they ran out of breath. Until their lungs were begging for oxygen. It was a fast, intense kiss. It felt like crying, screaming, loving, all at once.

Sana embraced Jihyo, their knees felt weak, so they both fell onto the ground. The grass was short and clean, it brushed against their knees and palms. But their embrace never broke, their arms were tightly wrapped around each other. They were both crying and they didn't even know why.

"Let's start over, let's stay here, let's be selfish and enjoy these moment while they last. please." Jihyo's voice was shaky, weak.

They both felt like a weight had disappeared from their shoulders. Relief.

They stayed there, sitting on the grass, Jihyo leaning on Sana while she caressed Jihyo's soft hair. The sun was setting, the sky turned orange and the birds started returning to their nests.



"I'm scared"

"I'm scared too"

"What if it doesn't work out?"

"Then just know that my heart will always belong to you. And you only."


The airport was crowded when they landed. Holding hands, Sana and Jihyo walked towards the exit carrying their bags.

Dahyun and Momo were waiting for them at the entrance. Momo gave Sana a tight hug, caressing her back with the palm of her hand.

"Welcome home" Momo said.


Sitting at a café, the four of the, ordered drinks to discuss. Sana had broken the news to Momo through the phone, while she was still in Korea.

"So you remember everything?" Dahyun said

"Not every detail perfectly, but I do most of it" Sana said, smiling lightly.

"I'm proud of you both" Momo said while rest her hand on theirs. Her eyes were bright as ever. Dahyun smiled.

"I think we owe you the biggest thank you in the world" Jihyo said, "to both of you, you've done so much for us"

"you'll always have us, no need to thank us" Dahyun said.

"No need?" Momo looked at Dahyun. "At least pay for our coffees then!" she joked.

They all bursted out laughing.

The four of them, sitting at café, laughing like there's no tomorrow.

Sana enjoyed every single second of it while it lasted.

Because people doesn't last forever.

She knew that.

But she let herself fall, and she would, over and over again.

A/N: Hi!! how's everyone doing?
it's been long huh? I'm sorry for the slow updates, thank you everyone for your patience.

OHMYGOD, i never thought the book i wrote because i got inspired by a song would be read by *actual* people. It means a lot.

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