𝚈𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚘 𝚒𝚗 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎, 𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚗'𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞?

974 60 20

Third person's POV

The day was sunny and the weather was hot. People chatting and cars honking could be heard everywhere. But inside Sana's earphones If I Didn't Care by The Ink Spots was the only thing to be heard.

She moved her head left to right jamming to the melody, whispering the lyrics as she held tightly from the tube, preventing her to fall down. The driver was rather aggressive this morning. Or that's what she thought on her way to the bakery.

Yes, for one day, Sana finally had caught the bus and was on her way to her job. On time.

She felt upset for her thing with Wendy. So her best idea was to make it up for her, arriving early.

Wow Sana, so thoughtful.

"Good morning Taehyun" Sana said entering the place. Almost instantly the smell of fresh made bread accompanied her nostrils. She took a deep breath and proceeded to grab her apron.

"Good morning Sana, you're early, that's a first" Taehyun said smiling. His hands on the book of suggestions, he was reading it just before Sana arrived and took seriously what every customer had to say.

"I gotta be at least once" Sana laughed, her eyes examined the place. She stood on her tip toes just to find no track of Wendy "Is Wendy here yet?" she asked, making her hair into a ponytail.

"Wendy? Oh, no she hasn't arrived yet" Taehyun look at his watch "That's weird, she's never late" His sight went back to Sana "Have you both switched places or something?" He laughed.

"That's weird" Sana said, furrowing her eyebrows and walking her way to her work place. She washed her hands and dried them. After, her hands were filled with flour.

But this time, Jihyo wasn't the girl filling up her thoughts. It was Wendy.

Was this because of what happened yesterday? Is she mad at me? How can I ever pay her back? Kissing her in the first place was a mistake.

Stupid Sana. Stupid Sana. Stupid Sana.

"uhh Sana? Are you okay? You're being a little bit... aggressive" Taehyun's voice got Sana out of her thoughts and bringing her back to reality.

Sana blinked twice before realizing that indeed, she was almost ruining the dough instead of kneading it. Her hands were squeezing it aggressively as her eyebrows were furrowed.

"Oh, sorry about that. I'm fine, just a little distracted I guess" She said and Taehyun nodded as he went back to work.

Sana looked down at the dough, confusion was written all over her face.

Love isn't really my thing is it?


"Please come back soon!" Sana smiled as she gave her ice cream cone to a kid that arrived with her parents. She waved the customers goodbye and went back to her upset mood.

She was still worrying about Wendy.

On the other hand, not so far away from Dairy Queen, a loud voice resonated on a classroom full of teenagers.

"Can someone please tell me what metaphysics is?" Jihyo asked the class, walking from the left to the right side of her desk. Her hands intertwined at her back, and her almost-serious look on her face made her look more professional.

She was wearing black jeans, a white blouse and a red blazer. Her long wavy hair fell on her shoulders, brightly as ever. She looked much younger, her height didn't help and people often mistook her as a student. She had to show them her Teacher ID for them to believe it.

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