badass wifu

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Here ya go for a fan fiction of today !

Enjoy !
Summary : one in a while gray would meet mans who likes to act tough and insult him , gray keeps ignore them , but when they started talking about juvia his attention went to them , but what happened was unexpected at all...

It was a normal day in magnolia , gray had finished his own mission and was in his way to his home .
He was so tired and wanted to be in his wife , juvia fullbuster , arms of comfort.
When he was walking a group of 3 people locked his way .
" Oh look what we have here , gray fullbuster! The little icy pants " said one of them .
" Here we go again" gray whispered to himself and rolled his eyes .
The group known as bullies who loves to annoy the powerful fairy tail mages , even natsu they do but not anymore as they were roasted somehow .
Gray doesn't like them at all , he doesn't even know when it all started ? But he knows it was after his marriage, maybe they got jealous because he found such beautiful lady , or that they don't have nothing to do .
They even went to flirt with juvia once , but she didn't even glance at them , and that made gray proud .
" So you got a beautiful lady huh? " One of them asked .
" *Sigh* can you make this fast , I'm tired for this " gray said with a bored voice .
" H-huh?! Know what you say fullbuster!!" The 3rd person said .
"Yeah ! Don't miss with us ! " The other said .
'alright I'm out of here " he began to walk past them without any glances like always ... Until .
" Your wife is a piece of uselessness" someone screamed behind him.
" Yeah she is a physcopath , plus she really is clingy !"
" You thought that we will he lucky to have her ! Huh she doesn't even deserve to be called 3rd strongest!"
Gray's blood began to boil and was ready to put them in ice .
He turned around ready to strike until...
" WATER NUBLAAA!!" screamed a feminine voice that he loves and knows behind him .
" Juvia !" Exclaimed gray, turning around
Juvia was just behind him , her hand scretche over , with scary aura around her .
The 3 people were knocked down in the floor ,  drenched with water , juvia began to walk to them and looking down at them , with cold blue ocean dark eyes .
" Maybe I don't deserve marrying gray-sama , but at least she isn't unworthy like you " she said with a cold voice.
She huffed and turned around to find her husband , standing with his jaws in the floor .
She blushed a little and began to become nervouse as this is the first time gray saw her flip .
" Oh ! Gray-sama ,! Juvia is sorry she was annoyed and she didn't mean to , I hope you forgive her behaviour" juvia apologize with her eyes closed .
Gray looked at her confused and chuckled a little .
" Oh juvia you don't have too " gray said while carssing her cheek .
" My juju is been badass is all wanted for today " he cooed to her and hold her face with his two big hands as he is holding his whole world .
He kissed both his cheeks softly .
" Fullbusters are ...." He began their word.
" As cold as ice " juvia completed with a big smile and flushed cheeks .
And with that they went on their way to their home , and gray got his wish as he got cuddled by juvia .

Alright this all , I don't really have an idea , but I hope you enjoyed , and I'd you did please give it a star ,I will appreciate it and comment down below for your opinion!
See ya !


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